Update Subscription Orders Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Update Subscription Orders tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Subscription Order No. In these fields, you enter a range of subscription order numbers. Only subscription orders with a number within the specified range will be included in the update.
Customer No. In these fields, you enter a range of customer numbers. Only subscription orders assigned to a customer within the specified range will be included in the update.
Bill to Customer In these fields, you enter a range of customer numbers. Only subscription orders on which the bill-to customer lies within the specified range will be included in the update.
Company No. In this field, you can enter a range of company numbers. Only subscription orders for which companies within the specified range are responsible will be included in the update.
Subscription No. In these fields, you enter a range of subscription numbers. For each subscription order included in the update, Maconomy only transfers new issues from subscriptions that appear on the order in question and lie within the range specified here.
Subscription Group For each subscription order included in the update, Maconomy only transfers new issues from subscriptions that appear on the order in question and are part of the group specified here.
Publishing Date In these fields, you enter a range of publishing dates if you wish to limit the printout to issues published within the specified period of time.
Include Discontinued If you mark this field, the update will include discontinued issues.
Item No. In this field, you enter a range of item numbers. For each subscription order and subscription included in the update, Maconomy only transfers new issues on which the item number lies within the range specified here.