Change Payment Selection by Vendor Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Vendor tab.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This is the vendor number. The field also shows the vendor's name and address. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the company number of the current vendor.

Balance Island

Field Description
Balance, Currency This field shows the vendor's balance in the vendor’s currency. The balance is updated when you post journals with vendor entries. The value in this field is automatically entered by Maconomy and cannot be changed manually.
Balance, Base This is the vendor's balance in the base currency shown in the field “Base Currency” below. The balance is updated when you post journals with vendor entries. The value in this field is automatically entered by Maconomy and cannot be changed manually.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Latest Due Date In this field you enter the cut-off date from which entries are selected. When you select the action “Create Payment Selection,” an entry is selected for payment if the due date of the entry is on or before this date, or if the calculated date is after the cash discount date entered on the current vendor invoice, and if the date of today is before this cash discount date.

Non-approved entries will not be selected, even if their due date is on or before the date specified above. You must enter a value.

Payment Island

Field Description
Selected for Payment This field shows whether the vendor has been selected for payment. If you select just one entry from a vendor, it means that the vendor is selected, and the field is automatically marked. This is shown by a mark in the field. Maconomy enters the value automatically. It cannot be changed.
No. Entries Selected This field shows how many of the vendor's entries have been selected for payment. Maconomy enters the value automatically. It cannot be changed. Note that if an entry is being paid, it is also counted as selected for payment.
Payment, Currency This is the sum of the entries selected for payment. The amount is displayed in the vendor's currency. The value in this field is automatically entered by Maconomy and cannot be changed manually.
Discount, Currency This is the discount sum of the entries selected for payment. The amount is displayed in the vendor's currency. The value in this field is automatically entered by Maconomy and cannot be changed manually
Entries being paid This field shows the number of vendor entries being paid. The field is automatically completed by Maconomy and cannot be altered. An entry is under payment if it is included in a payment file created in the window Payment Files, or if a check has been printed out in the window Print Check. The entry is no longer under payment when it has been approved.

Payment Control Island

Field Description
Block Payments This field shows whether you can select the vendor for payment. If the field is marked, the vendor is blocked, and you cannot make a payment selection.

If you have created a payment selection for a vendor, and this vendor is blocked for payment by means of the window Payment Control in the A/P module, all selected payment selections for the vendor in question are cancelled. Furthermore, the field “Selected for Payment” will be unmarked for the vendor. Once blocked, a vendor can only be selected for payment again if the field “Block Payments” is unmarked in the window Payment Control in the A/P module.

You can block payments if, for example, you wish to delay payment for a wrong delivery until it is corrected.

Responsible This field shows the person in your company who is usually responsible for approving invoices from this vendor. You can change the name for individual entries.
Payment Terms This field shows the payment terms which normally apply to the vendor. Payment terms are used for calculating invoice due dates.

Payment terms are selected in the Payment Control window.

Cash Discount Terms This field shows the cash discount term selected for the current creditor in the window Payment Control. The cash discount terms are used for calculating any cash discount for a given vendor invoice.
Automatic Approval Here you specify whether invoices from this vendor should be approved for payment automatically. If the field is marked, all invoices from the vendor are approved automatically. However, you can remove the mark on individual invoices in the Approve Invoices window, and you can remove the mark for the vendor in the Payment Control window.