
This section shows the Actions available in the Task Search workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Search When you select this action, the previous results shown in the sub-tab are deleted, and Maconomy searches for job budget lines matching the requirements specified for the current employee and the search criteria entered in the Selection Criteria island.
This action only searches for tasks on jobs with the Hour time unit.
Reset Search Criteria When you select this action, the contents of the editable fields of the card part of the window will be cleared.
Reset Search Result When you select this action, the search results in the table part of the window will be cleared.

Bottom Tab

Field Description
Transfer To Plan Note that this action is executed for the current line in the table part, that is, the line in which the cursor is placed.

When you select this action, Maconomy creates a planning line in the detailed resource plan, linking the current employee to the current job budget line. No booking is made. If the employee already exists in the detailed resource plan, Maconomy does not create a line.

Book Note that this action is executed for the current line in the table part, that is, the line in which the cursor is placed.

This action is only available when the current job budget line is part of the latest approved revision of the planning budget of the job in question. When you select this action, Maconomy distributes the number of hours specified in the field “Book Hours” for the current employee. The hours are allocated on the current job budget line from the entered starting date and ahead in time on the basis of the information in the island Booking. However, no hours are allocated to days before any date specified in the field “Never Before.” In addition, if an estimated time-to-completion has been specified for the job budget line, Maconomy will never distribute hours before the estimate date specified for the job budget line, regardless of the strategy and method selected.

Maconomy distributes the hours on the basis of the principle of avoiding overtime. If this is not possible, Maconomy will try to distribute overtime equally on working days. If this is not sufficient, potential overtime is distributed on days which are typically not working days, such as Saturdays and Sundays. If you have defined that overtime is not allowed in the field “Overtime, Empl.” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module, Maconomy will issue an error message if it is not possible to plan the current number of hours without using overtime.

Note that Maconomy will never distribute so many hours to a given employee on a given date that the total distribution for the employee on this date exceeds the employee’s maximum number of working hours for the date. The employee’s maximum working hours on a given date are found in the employee revision applying on the date in question. For further information about employee revisions, see “Date-Dependent Employee Revisions” in the introduction to the window Employees.

Remove from Plan Note that this action is executed for the current line in the table part, that is, the line in which the cursor is placed.

This action is only available when the current job budget line is part of the latest approved revision of the planning budget of the job in question. When this action is selected, the bookings of the current employee are removed from the resource plan of the current job budget line. However, only bookings after the date specified in the field “Never Before” are removed.