
This section shows the Actions available in the Blanket Invoice Selection workspace.

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Field Description
Include All Jobs Use this action to select the Include field on all of the jobs in the table part.
Exclude All Jobs Use this action to deselect the Include field on all of the jobs in the table part.
Close All This action is similar to the action “Balance” in that it changes the amount for allocation to obtain a zero balance. The difference is that this action also marks all job entries to be closed so that the balance results in a write-up or a write-down, depending on whether the balance is positive or negative. This action selects all entries for allocation and closing, and it selects all open invoices for reconciliation. To obtain a zero balance, this action distributes the amount for allocation proportionately to all open job entries. If there is no open billing price, this action creates a revenue adjustment entry with an amount for allocation that equals the amount net on account.
Delimit This action is used for creating an invoice selection for all open entries selected in the island Delimitation for all jobs specified in the island Selection Criteria. Invoice selections for fixed-price jobs are not included if the job parameter attribute “Allow Invoicing On Account Only” in the job parameter type “Fixed Price Job Set-Up” is assigned the value “Yes,” and if outlays are included in the fixed price and if the job is assigned a job allocation combination rule which does not define fixed-price entries. However, outlays are included in the delimitation if outlays are not to be included in the fixed price, that is, if the job parameter attribute “Include Outlays in Fixed Price” in the job parameter type “Pricing Method” is assigned the value “No” for the job in question. Moreover, if a fixed-price job uses a job allocation combination rule defining non-fixed-price entries to be invoiced separately, such non-fixed-price entries are also included when selecting this action.

If there are jobs with a closed invoice selection that meet the selection criteria, a warning will be displayed when you run this action. If you choose to proceed, all drafts on these jobs will be deleted before the delimitation takes place.

If the field “Extend Selection” in the island Delimitation is marked, all entries selected by the criteria in the island Delimitation will be added to the entries already selected. In this way an invoice selection can be constructed in stages; you can, for instance, select registered entries for various ranges of employees.

If the field “Extend Selection” is not marked when this action is selected, all existing invoice selections will be deleted, and one is created containing the criteria specified in the island Delimitation. See also the field “Extend Selection” in this window.

Transfer Invoicing Plans When this action is selected, Maconomy identifies any due lines in the invoicing plans of the jobs matching the selection criteria, and transfers them to the invoice selections. However, if the system parameter “Transfer Several Invoicing Plan Lines” is unmarked, only the first due line of the invoicing plan is transferred.

This action excludes jobs with a closed invoice selection.

The amounts are shown in the field “Amount for Invoicing on Account, Invoice Currency” in the table part. Next, the invoice selection lines can be approved, allowing you to process the on-account invoices further in the window Invoice Editing. For further information, please see the description of the window Invoicing Plans and the action “Approve” below.

Note that invoicing plan lines must be approved in the window Invoicing Plans before they can be transferred for invoicing in this window if the job parameter attribute “Approval of Invoicing Plan Lines” has been set to “Yes” for the current job.

If any invoice selection in the table part is for a subjob to a main job where the main job’s invoice layout rule specifies “Main Job Invoicing,” no invoicing plan is transferred to the job.

Approve When you select this action, you approve the invoice selections for the jobs that match the selection criteria in the card part of the window if the field “Approve” is marked. The approval date and name of the approver is automatically saved. Please note that the jobs that match the selection criteria are included, even if they are not shown in the table part (the field “Show Lines” is not marked). An invoice selection must be approved before you can edit it in the window Invoice Editing and invoice it. If you change anything in the window Invoice Editing, the approval is canceled, and the invoice selection must be approved again. Maconomy issues an alert if the approval is canceled.

The action excludes jobs with a closed invoice selection.

Maconomy issues a warning if there are open purchase orders on the job. If the field “Show Markup Separately” in the window Job information is marked, the use of this action will lead to the creation of an invoice on which the costs of all amount activities will be shown in the table part with an extra line at the bottom of the invoice showing the markup.

You cannot approve invoice selections for fixed-price jobs set up to be invoiced on account only if outlays are included in the fixed price, if the job is assigned a job allocation combination rule which does not define fixed-price entries, and if the amount for invoicing on account is zero. However, outlays for fixed-price jobs are included in the delimitation, if outlays are not to be included in the fixed price, that is, if the job parameter attribute “Include Outlays in Fixed Price” in the job parameter type “Pricing Method” is assigned the value “No” for the job in question. Moreover, if a fixed-price job uses a job allocation combination rule defining non-fixed-price entries to be invoiced separately, such non-fixed-price entries are also approved for invoicing when selecting this action.

Moreover, you should note that you cannot approve an invoice selection which is assigned to a job that has been approved for transfer. See the description of the window Job Transfer for information about job transfers.

If any invoice selection in the table part is for a main job where the main job’s invoice layout rule specifies “Main Job Invoicing,” selecting this action will approve the invoice selection of all subjobs of the current main job which are to be blanket invoiced.

You can invoice an approved selection either by choosing “Print Invoice” in this window or by choosing “Print Invoice” in the window Invoice Editing. You can also invoice selected invoices for several jobs at a time in the window Job Invoicing. If the job parameter attribute “Invoice Editing Required” in the job parameter type “Invoice Approval” is assigned the value “Yes” on the job in question, you must approve the invoice in the windows Invoice Selection or Invoice Editing. If several approved invoice selections are to be invoiced at the same time, this must be done in the window Job Invoicing.

For jobs set up with a job parameter where the line "Allow Combined T&M with On Account Invoicing" is set to Yes, this action combines jobs onto the same draft, even if they have different Invoice Types (field in the table part).

New Invoice Selection This action is available when the invoice selection is closed, that is, after creating a draft, and provided the job is set up to allow multiple drafts. When you have run this action, the job is open for invoice selection. The quantity and amount for invoicing will be reset to zero on job entries that are approved for invoicing, and remaining job entries will be set for invoicing. The amount for invoicing on account will also be reset to zero.
Invoice to Credit Memo If, for example, you print a blanket invoice and then regret it, you can use this action to credit the entire blanket invoice. When you select this action, Maconomy creates a credit memo selection based on the job invoice number in the field “Based on Invoice No.” in the card part of the window. A credit memo selection is created for each job that is part of the blanket invoice. This action also approves each credit memo selection for the job part of the blanket invoice.

A warning will tell you if one of the jobs on the blanket invoice no longer meets the blanket invoice criteria set up in the card part.

Note that a main job invoice cannot be credited.

Calculate Invoice Surcharge This action calculates surcharge based on the Job Surcharge Rule specified on the jobs separately. The action applies only for the jobs set up to use "Surcharge at Invoicing" (a job parameter) and only for those jobs that are open for invoice selection.
Remove Approval

Use this action to remove approval of a draft invoice. When removed, the draft is saved as a previous edit.

The document archive for the previous edit is no longer attached to any invoice, but continues to exist in the Documents and Notes workspace.

Print Invoice

Use this action to print the invoice.

When you print an invoice that has a document archive, it is reassigned to the finalized invoice.