
This section shows the Actions available in the Job Parameter Selection workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Change Job Parameters When you select this action, the job parameters specified as new job parameters in the field “New Job Parameter” in the table part of the window are changed to be the effective job parameters of the job in question. Whether or not a new job parameter is accepted as valid for the job in question depends on the set-up of the relevant job parameter selection rules. See the description of the window Job Parameter Selection Rules for further information on job parameter validity.
Rederive Job Parameters When you select this action, job parameters are rederived for the job. In the window Job Parameter Derivation Fields, you can specify that job parameters should not be rederived automatically whenever a change to the job information occurs, for example, if the job name or a job pop-up field changes. If you specify that job parameters should not be rederived automatically, but you find that you need to rederive the job parameters, you can do so by selecting this action. For more information, please see the description of the window Job Parameter Derivation Fields.

Bottom Tab

Field Description
Change Job Parameters When you select this action, the job parameters specified as new job parameters in the field “New Job Parameter” in the table part of the window are changed to be the effective job parameters of the job in question. Whether or not a new job parameter is accepted as valid for the job in question depends on the set-up of the relevant job parameter selection rules. See the description of the window Job Parameter Selection Rules for further information on job parameter validity.
Rederive Job Parameters When you select this action, job parameters are rederived for the job. In the window Job Parameter Derivation Fields, you can specify that job parameters should not be rederived automatically whenever a change to the job information occurs, for example, if the job name or a job pop-up field changes. If you specify that job parameters should not be rederived automatically, but you find that you need to rederive the job parameters, you can do so by selecting this action. For more information, please see the description of the window Job Parameter Derivation Fields.