Sales Orders Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Sales Orders sub-tab.

Field Description
Bill to Customer This is the number of the bill-to customer who is being invoiced for the items on the sales order.
Pref. Delivery Date This is the preferred delivery date of the items in the order.
Order No. This is the number of the sales order.
Order Total, Base This is the order total, that is, the sum of the extended prices on the sales order, in base currency.
Order Total, Currency This is the order total, that is, the sum of the extended prices on the sales order, in the currency of the order.
Currency This field shows the currency of the order.
Blocked If you mark this field, the sales order is blocked. Maconomy automatically marks the field if the bill-to customer’s credit limit is exceeded. If the sales order is blocked you cannot print any order documents except order confirmation. A customer’s credit limit is exceeded if his balance plus his order volume exceeds his credit limit. An approved non-blocked sales order will be blocked if you enter a line resulting in an excess of the credit limit.

When checking if the customer's credit limit has been exceeded, Maconomy checks the current customer's credit limit at enterprise level as well as at company level. See the description of the fields in the island Credit Limit in the windows Payment Information and Company Specific Payment information in the A/R module for further information about how credit limits are handled in Maconomy.

Customer No. This is the number of the customer who is having the items on the sales order delivered.
Name This is the first line of the ship-to customer’s name.
Warehouse This is the name of the warehouse the items are being shipped from.
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the sales order.