Order Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Order Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Item No. This is the line’s item number. All the sales orders item lines are shown, but Maconomy does not create item purchase orders for BOMs which are being shown in full on the sales orders.
Quantity This is the quantity of units entered in the Sales Orders window. It cannot be changed here.
Unit This is the unit the item is sold in.
Balance This is the backorder quantity of the item line. It cannot be changed here. When you choose the action “Purchase Back Orders,” Maconomy copies this quantity to the “Item Purchase Orders” field, where it is rounded down to a whole number of the item’s minimum purchase units.

If your company uses the “By Reservation” backorder principle, the quantity shown here will be the same as the quantity which was not available when the sales order was registered.

Delivered This is the quantity already delivered to the customer from the item line. It cannot be changed here. When you choose “Purchase All” in the Action menu, Maconomy copies the undelivered quantity – that is, the difference between the “Quantity” and “Delivered” fields – to the “Item Purchase Orders” field, where it is rounded down to the nearest whole quantity of the item’s minimum purchase unit.
Description This is the item description.

The “Quantity,” “Unit,” and “Description” fields can always be changed in the Sales Orders window.

Item Purchase Here you enter how many units to purchase. The actions “Purchase All” and “Purchase Back Orders” determine the value here, but you can change it manually.

When you choose “Create Item Purchase Orders,” Maconomy creates item purchase order lines for the item lines with a positive quantity in this field. The quantity is given in sales units, but the system verifies that it can be divided by the minimum purchase unit. Maconomy gives a warning if the quantity exceeds the as yet undelivered quantity.

You can only enter a quantity if the “Vendor” field is completed. After having created a purchase line for the sales order line, you cannot change the quantity.

Currently Received This is the quantity already received on the purchase line. It is updated when you choose “Approve Receipt” in the Item Receipt window. This also updates the “Last Receipt” field in the card part of the window.

In the “Order Lines” window in the Sales Orders module you can search for the lines for which you have received items.

Drop Ship You can mark this field to show that the items in the item purchase order must be delivered directly from the vendor to the customer. If this field is marked, Maconomy uses the delivery address for the sales order when printing the item purchase order. After having created a purchase line, you cannot change the field.

For order lines to be drop shipped, the “For Packing” field is reset, so that they will not be included in any packing lists and packing slips.

Vendor Here, you can enter the number of the vendor who is delivering the items. For items with inventory control, Maconomy completes the field automatically when the line is created. The item is suggested purchased from the vendor who is registered on the information card of the item. The action “Create Item Purchase Orders” only includes lines with a vendor that has not been blocked. After creating a purchase line, you cannot change the field.
Vendor Name This is the name of the vendor shown in the “Vendor No.” field.
Remarks In this field, you can make notes related to the delivery.
Item Purchase Order No. This is the number of the item purchase order. It can only be manually changed to zero, whereby the association between the sales order line and the item purchase order line is broken. This means, for example, that items received from the item purchase order will not affect the sales order.
Transfer Cost In this field, you can specify that you wish to transfer the cost and the description from the sales order line on which the item purchase order line is based. The description from the sales order line will be shown in the field “Description.”
Cost If you have marked the field “Transfer Cost,” the cost from the sales order will be copied to this field and replace the regular calculation of the purchase price, which is based on the item’s price and possibly a purchase price list.