Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders Workspace

Use this workspace to automatically create one or more item purchase orders from a sales order. You assign each item line in the item purchase orders to only one of the sales order's item lines. This workspace enables you to browse through all of the sales orders, but you can only create item purchase orders from a sales order if it is approved and not yet fully delivered.

You can enter a vendor number on each item line, after which you can create an item purchase order for each separate vendor.

From the Item Purchase Selection workspace you can also create item purchase orders from several sales orders in one operation. This feature also enables you to create one item purchase order for each vendor from the chosen sales order item lines. This means that you can take lines from different sales orders and put them in the same item purchase order. However, Maconomy always creates a separate item purchase order line for each sales order line.

When you receive the items from an item purchase order that you create in this workspace, Maconomy automatically transfers serial numbers that have serial number control to the Serial Number Entry workspace in the Sales Orders module, shown for the relevant sales order. Maconomy selects any backorder items for packing so that you can print a packing slip for the sales orders.

You can specify on each line whether the items are to be drop shipped, so that the vendor sends the items directly to your customer. The delivery address on the item purchase order is therefore that of the customer, instead of your inventory. Maconomy creates a separate item purchase order for lines to the same vendor to the same customer.

You can edit and approve the item purchase order for further processing in the Item Purchase Orders workspace.

Orders that you create in the subscription module cannot be displayed in this workspace.