Job Transfers Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Transfers sub-tab.

Field Description
Transfer Date This field shows the date on which the job displayed in the card part of the window was transferred. The date displayed in this field is thus the date that was specified in the field “Transfer Date” in the window Job Transfer when the transfer of the job was performed.
Posted This field shows whether the job transfer journal created as a result of the transfer of the job has been posted.
Date Posted This field shows the posting date of the job transfer journal. If the job transfer journal has not yet been posted, the field “Posted” will not be marked and this field will be blank.
Description This field shows a description of the transfer. The description displayed in this field is the description entered in the field “Description” in the island Transfer in the window Job Transfer before the transfer of the job was performed.
Location This field shows the value of the dimension “Location” to which the job was transferred.
Entity This field shows the value of the dimension “Entity” to which the job was transferred.
Project This field shows the value of the dimension “Project” to which the job was transferred.
Purpose This field shows the value of the dimension “Purpose” to which the job was transferred.
Spec. 1-3 These fields show the values of the dimensions “Specification 1-3” to which the job was transferred.
Local Spec. 1-3 These fields show the values of the dimensions “Local Specification 1-3” to which the job was transferred.