Serial Number Entry Workspace

Use this workspace to enter serial numbers for items that have serial number control that are delivered or returned in connection with a sale or crediting in the Sales Orders or Credit Orders workspaces.

Serial number entry for sales orders in this workspace is mandatory for items that have the serial number control type Full Ser. No. Reg. or Serial No. Reg. at Shipping set up in the Item Information Card workspace. For credit orders, serial number entry is mandatory for items that have the serial number control type Full Ser. No. Reg. or Serial No. Reg. at Receipt.

The Serial Number Entry tab contains general information about the item line. In the Serial Numbers sub-tab you enter serial numbers and quantities for each serial number of the item on the item line. You can also specify where the items should be moved to for packing or where they are received, depending on whether you are working with a sales order or a credit order.

An item line that has one of these serial number control types cannot be delivered, invoiced, or credited before you enter a serial number for every single unit of the item in this workspace. If you are selling a serial number that has not yet been created-for example, because the item does not use the serial number control method Ser. No. Reg. at Receipt-you must enter the serial number in question in the New Serial No. field instead of in the Serial No. field.

You typically enter serial numbers that are related to sales orders in this workspace when the warehouse personnel reports back on packing lists, but it might already be done at the time of order receipt, if you are selling an item with a particular serial number. You can specify some of the serial number units at the time of order entry and let the rest be entered when the items are picked or packed. Serial numbers related to items in credit orders are entered when the items are received and before the credit memo is printed. However, to ensure consistency between the information in this workspace and on warehouse transactions/picking lists, the existence of a warehouse transaction or picking list prevents you from entering serial number information for that order in this workspace until a packing list has been created, causing this workspace to be updated with any serial number information reported during the warehouse transaction/picking procedure.

Maconomy automatically creates serial number lines that display the relevant quantity for items that use standard serial numbers. This is only the case, however, if you select the Extended Serial Number Control system parameter. When creating an order line in the Sales Orders and Credit Orders workspaces, Maconomy checks whether a standard serial number for sales from the current warehouse has been entered in the item's information card. If this is the case, Maconomy creates a serial number line in this workspace with the standard serial number and the quantity to be packed or to be credited entered on the order line. This automatic line creation also occurs for quote lines when the quote is converted to a sales order. If one serial number entry line exists for the current order line, and the quantity in the Quantity field on the current serial number entry line corresponds to the quantity to be packed or credited on the order line, Maconomy automatically updates the quantity on the serial number entry line, if the quantity to be packed or credited is changed on the sales order or credit order. However, if a packing list has been created, Maconomy updates the serial number entry line with the quantity packed. Consequently, it is not necessary to enter serial number entries manually for items that use a standard serial number. If multiple serial number lines exist for the order line, or the quantities on the order line/packing list line and the serial number entry line do not correspond, Maconomy does not update the quantity, which you must therefore enter manually in this workspace.

When you create a packing list for the current order, some cases may cause the automatic creation of lines in this workspace. This procedure is described in the section "Print Packing List."

If the serial numbers are reported when the warehouse personnel reports back on the packing list, the warehouse staff uses this workspace as a supplement to the Packing Lists workspace, when they have packed items that have serial number control. The serial number is then recorded every time an item that has serial number control is packed.

After you approve the packing list, you can use the Packing Lists workspace to print documents related to the delivery of the packed items, such as a packing slip, invoice, labels, and/or bill of lading. The packing slip shows the number of every serial number delivered of an item that has serial number control.