Job Planning Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to outline the tasks to be completed for a job.

Just as you use the Job Budget workspace to keep track of job costs, you use this workspace to plan the time aspect of a job at a general level.

The Job Planning tab displays some of the standard information for the job. Use the Job Budget Lines sub-tab to maintain information about how the job is being performed. The lines correspond to the lines in the planning budget as entered in the Job Budgets workspace. However, this workspace does not display prices, markup, tax, and so on.

Use the Show Budget field to select the budget. By default, Maconomy suggests the planning budget for the current job. This workspace always displays the latest revision of a job budget. You can create, delete, and edit lines as you do in the Job Budgets workspace, which then reflects the changes that you make.

You have access to edit all of the open fields in the Job Budget Lines sub-tab if the Change Job Budgets field in the Actions workspace in the Set-Up module is selected. However, if the job budget on a line is approved, you cannot change the Empl. Field on that line.

Information in this workspace is shared with the detailed planning in the Resource Planning module. Automatic exchange of data between the two modules ensures that jobs' planning budgets and the detailed planning are updated on an ongoing basis.

If a job that is displayed in this workspace is a template job, you can only create lines for the job if certain information, such as country, currency, and company tax code, has been entered for it. If you try to create a budget line for a template job for which the appropriate information has not yet been provided, Maconomy issues a message informing you about the missing information.