Jobs Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Jobs tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the job number and job name.
Customer This field shows the customer number and customer name.
Project Manager This field shows the name and number of the employee assigned as the project manager for the current job in the window Jobs.
Closed This field indicates if the job is closed.
Currency This field shows the currency of the job.

Latest Invoice (not on account) Island

Field Description
Invoice No. This field shows the invoice number of the latest invoice on the job.
Invoice Date This field shows the date of the latest invoice on the job.
Billing Price This field shows the billing price for the latest invoice on the job.
Write Up/Down This field shows the amount of write up or write down incurred in the latest invoice on the job.

Latest Job Invoice Allocation Island

Field Description
Allocation No. This field shows the number of the latest job invoice allocation.
Allocation Date This field shows the date of the latest job invoice allocation.
Billing Price This field shows the billing price for the latest job invoice allocation.
Write Up/Down This field shows the amount of write up or write down incurred in the latest job invoice allocation.

Latest Distribution Island

Field Description
Transaction No. This field shows the transaction number for the latest distribution.
Cut-off Date This field shows the cut-off date for the latest distribution.
Entry Date This field shows the entry date for the latest distribution.
Invoiced Work in Progress This field shows the amount of invoiced work in progress for the latest distribution.
Revenue Recognized This field shows the amount of revenue recognized for the latest distribution.
Realization Rate This field shows the realization rate for the latest distribution.
Submitted by This field shows the name of the user who submitted the latest distribution.
Submitted on This field shows the date the latest distribution was submitted.
Approved by This field shows the name of the user who approved the latest distribution.
Approved on This field shows the date the latest distribution was approved.
Context This field shows the context of the latest employee revenue distribution. More precisely, it shows you if the distribution was carried out directly from this window, or as part of invoicing, job invoice allocation, or job closure. The three latter options are set up on job parameters of the ‘Employee Revenue Distribution’ type.

New Distribution Island

Field Description
Cut-off Date This field shows the cut-off date for the new distribution.
Entry Date This field shows the entry date for the new distribution.
Invoiced Work in Progress This field shows the amount of invoiced work in progress for the new distribution.
Revenue Recognized This field shows the amount of revenue recognized for the new distribution.
Realization Rate This field shows the realization rate for the new distribution.
Submitted by This field shows the name of the user who submitted the new distribution.
Submitted on This field shows the date the new distribution was submitted.