Employee Revenue Distribution Workspace

Use this workspace to review and redistribute the revenue earned by employees on a job.

When Maconomy calculates revenue recognition, it suggests an "even" revenue recognition which, if approved, gives all employees the same realization rate. This is the realization rate of the job as a whole. Use this workspace to make changes to the suggested revenue for one or more employees.

Maconomy does not change the revenue that is recognized for the job; it only redistributes it among employees. For each change that you make for an individual employee, Maconomy adjusts the revenue to be recognized for the other employees, to maintain the same total amount.

Use this workspace to calculate revenue recognized on a job up to a specified date. The result displays in the Employees sub-tab, one line per employee. In the sub-tab, you can specify changes in revenue to be recognized for individual employees. You must then submit and approve these changes, which produces a Job Revenue Recognition journal.

On theTask Lists(and in the Job Tasks workspace you can specify a standard task for the job entry that is created from this workspace.

In the Actions workspace you can specify whether an employee should be able to approve employee revenue distributions.

The functionality in this workspace is controlled by the Employee Revenue Distribution job parameter type.

Revenue Included

The revenue that is distributed is for time-related activities. It includes only the revenue generated as a result of invoicing and not the revenue that is recognized as the result of capitalization at billing price.