Employees Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Employees sub-tab.

Field Description
Employee No. This field shows the employee number of the person for whom revenue is recognized.
Employee Name This field shows the name of employee.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number of the employee revenue distribution. It shows the transaction number of the latest distribution after a distribution has been approved, and before a new calculation is made. In general, this field provides you with detailed information about the distribution for each employee. After calculation, the table shows the calculated figures and this field shows “0” as the transaction number until you approve the distribution.
Invoiced WIP This field shows the amount invoiced measured as the work in progress (WIP) that was invoiced/released at the original rates.

This window includes time activities only.

Revenue Recognized This field shows the revenue recognized. This amount includes only the time entries that have been invoiced and previous revenue redistributions.
Realization Rate This field shows realization rate –the revenue recognized as a percentage of the invoiced work in progress (WIP).
New Revenue Recognized This field shows the new revenue that will be recognized for the employee when you submit and approve the revenue distribution. You can adjust the value in this field.

If you change the amount, the line is selected as Locked and the amount on the other lines (employees) is updated to keep the same total new revenue recognized for the job. To revert to the calculated new revenue recognized, undo the Locked field.

New Realization Rate This field shows the new revenue recognized as a percentage of the invoiced work in progress (WIP).

You can update the New Revenue Recognized indirectly by changing the new realization rate.

Locked The new revenue recognized on all lines in the table has the same sum as the current revenue recognized. When you change the new revenue recognized (or new realization rate), the Locked field is selected and Maconomy adjusts the new revenue recognized in the other lines (without adjusting the ones marked as locked). The adjusted lines then get the new realization rate and the total new revenue recognized shows the correct sum for the lines.

If you deselect this field, the new revenue recognized on the line is adjusted together with all the other lines that are not locked.

Adjustment This field shows the difference between the new revenue recognized and the current revenue recognized.