Approve Invoice Selection Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace for batch approval of invoice selections and credit memo selections.

In the Approve Invoice Selection tab, use the Selection Criteria island to limit the number of jobs that are displayed in the Jobs sub-tab. Use the Jobs sub-tab to review all of the jobs in Maconomy that are not closed.
Note: The description of this workspace assumes that you are creating invoices, but most of the features also apply to creating credit memos.

This workspace is useful for businesses that do not want to approve every single invoice selection individually, either because they do not need to check all invoices or because there are too many invoices to make this check possible. This workspace gives you a quick and easy way to scan invoice selections and approve them.

Use the selection criteria in the Approve Invoice Selection tab to select the jobs that you want to approve. For every user, Maconomy saves the selection criteria from session to session. This means that each time that you open this workspace, Maconomy displays the selection criteria that you used last. Maconomy also copies the selection criteria to the Print Invoice Selection workspace when you use the Print action in this workspace.

Use the Approve field in the Jobs sub-tab to mark each job or invoice selection as ready for approval. Maconomy keeps count of the number of marked jobs.

Use the Approve action to approve all marked jobs at the same time. You can choose to approve only invoices, only credit memos, or both. You can enter a preferred invoice date. If you leave this field empty, the invoice date will be the current date when you print the invoices. You can also choose to print draft invoices and/or draft credit memos for all approved invoice selections.

Next you can edit invoice selections in the Invoice Editing workspace, or batch print them from the Job Invoicing or Job Crediting workspace.