Approve Invoice Selection Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approve Invoice Selection tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Lines When you mark this field, the lines matching the values specified in the selection criteria below are shown in the table part of this window. Please note that actions selected in the Action menu will be carried out on all jobs matching the selection criteria, regardless of whether the lines are shown in the table part.
Jobs w. Open Sales Price Only When you mark this field, the selection criteria will only include jobs with entries with an open billing price, that is, job entries which have not yet been invoiced.
Jobs w. Allow Invoice Proposals Only When you mark this field, the selection criteria will only include jobs that allow invoice proposals, that is, jobs on which the “Allow Invoice Proposals” field has been marked in the Jobs window.
Jobs w. Amount for Inv. on Account Only When you mark this field, the selection criteria will only include jobs that contain entries with amounts for Invoicing On Account.
Jobs w. Invoicing Plan Lines for Inv. On Account Only When you mark this field, the selection criteria will only include jobs with an amount transferred from the in voicing plan.
Job No. In these fields, you can specify a range of job numbers. Only jobs within the specified range of job numbers are selected. If you do not enter a range, the job numbers will not be considered in the selection.

If the range of jobs includes jobs which are main jobs with an invoice layout rule that specifies “Main Job Invoicing,” the associated subjobs will be selected for invoicing as well, even though they are not part of the selection criteria. If, on the other hand, the range of jobs includes subjobs whose main jobs use “Main Job Invoicing,” the subjobs are not selected for invoicing unless the main jobs are also included in the range of jobs. For more information, please see the description of the window Invoice Layout Rules.

Job Collection No. This field shows the number of the job collection. This field will also be displayed in the Jobs and Invoice Selection windows for jobs that belong to a job collection.
Job Group In these fields, you can specify a job group. Only jobs within this job group will be selected. If you do not enter a job group, the job group to which the jobs are assigned will not be considered.
Company No. In these fields, you can specify a range of company numbers. Only jobs with a responsible company within the specified range are selected. If you do not enter a range, the responsible company assigned to the jobs will not be considered in the selection.
Customer No. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Company No.”
Bill to Customer The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Company No.”
Department The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Job Group.”
Language The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Job Group.”
Responsible The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Job Group.”
Sales Rep. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Job Group.”
Project Manager The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Job Group.”
Popup 1-5 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Job Group.” The values in these pop-up fields are specified in the window Jobs.
Employee No. 1-10 The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Job Group.”

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Job Group.”
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Job Group.”
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Job Group.”
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the “Job Group” field above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Job Group” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Job Group” above.

Delimitation Island

Field Description
Cut-off Date The action “Transfer Invoicing Plan” transfers all invoicing plan lines with a date on or before the specified date.

The date field defaults to the current date.

G/L Entry Date In this field you can delimit the invoice selection by the entry date on job entries. Only entries with an entry date up to this date will be invoiced.
Extend Selection If you mark this field and then select the action “Delimit,” Maconomy will extend the invoice selection to also include entries within the types and ranges specified in the other fields of this island. You can specify, for example, “10-20” as a range of employee numbers, and then select “Delimit.” Then you can specify “40-50” as a new range of employee numbers, make sure that this field is marked, and then reselect the action “Delimit.” In this way, you have extended your selection to cover job entries for the employees “10-20” and “40-45.”

If you do not check this field and then select “Delimit” in the Action menu, Maconomy will only display (in the table part) invoice selections with the sum of job entries matching types and ranges specified in the other fields in this island.

All criteria selected in this island have to match job entries for the entries to be selected for invoicing. Maconomy searches for job entries that match the selected criteria for the jobs specified in the island Selection Criteria.

Approval Island

Field Description
Show Totals When you mark this field, the figures applying to those lines which have been marked for approval are summarized and displayed in the island Approval. If you do not mark this field, the island Approval will not show any summarized figures.
Include Invoices If this field is marked, all invoice selections from the table part are included when you select “Approve” in the Action menu. If this field is not marked, the invoice selections are not included.
Include Credit Memos If this field is marked, all credit memo selections from the table part are included when you select “Approve” in the Action menu. If this field is not marked, the credit memo selections are not included.
Number of Jobs In this field, you can see the total number of invoice selections in the table part that have been marked in the field “Approve.” The field is updated automatically by Maconomy.
Amount for Invoicing This field shows the total amount for invoice selections in the table part where the field “Approval” is marked. The amount is shown in the enterprise currency. The field is updated automatically by Maconomy.
Amount for Crediting This field shows the total amount for credit memo selections in the table part where the field “Approval” is marked. The amount is shown in the enterprise currency. The field is updated automatically by Maconomy.
Preferred Inv. Date In this field, you can specify a date within the open posting period to be suggested as invoice date and credit date, respectively, when you print invoices and credit memos approved in this window. The field displays today’s date by default. When you select “Approve” in the Action menu, the date is copied from this field to the corresponding field in the table part of each job selected for approval. Hereafter, the date can be changed by job.