Print Currency Report Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Currency Report tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Company In these fields, you can enter a range of companies. If you specify a range, the balance is calculated and printed based on G/L entries, customer entries, and vendor entries assigned to the companies within the specified range. If the companies included in the printout do not have the same fiscal year, no grand totals are printed for the companies.
Currency Select a currency from the drop-down list to calculate currency positions. The calculation will include all open job entries, unallocated invoices, G/L accounts, customers, and vendors whose currency corresponds to the currency in this field. Only G/L accounts accounts where you have selected the Currency Account field are included in the report.

If you do not specify a currency in this field, the printout includes all jobs, G/L currency accounts, customers and vendors having a base currency different from the current company's base currency.

Account Type General Select this check box to include G/L accounts when you run the report.
Account Type Receivable Select this check box to include accounts receivable (customers) when you run the report.
Account Type Payable Select this check box to include accounts payable (vendors) when you run the report.
Jobs Work In Progress Select this check box to include open job entries when you run the report.
Jobs Unallocated On Account Amount Select this check box to include jobs with unallocated on account amounts when you run the report.
Job Group Select the job groups to include in the report.

These fields are applicable only for work-in-progress jobs and unallocated invoices.

Account Group If you selected “G” in the field “Account Type,” you can specify in this field that the report should only include accounts belonging to the account group specified in this field. If you leave the field blank, the report will include accounts in all groups.
A/R Control Account If you selected “R” in the field “Account Type,” you can specify in this field that the report should only include customers belonging to the control account specified in this field. If you leave the field blank, the report will include customers using any control account.
Customer Type If you selected “R” in the field “Account Type” or if that field is empty, you can specify here that the report should only include customers having the customer type specified in this field. If you leave the field blank, the report will include all customers.
Customer Group If you selected “R” in the field “Account Type” or if that field is empty, you can specify here that the report should only include customers belonging to the customer group specified in this field. If you leave the field blank, the report will include all customers.
A/P Control Account If you selected “P” in the field “Account Type,” you can specify in this field that the report should only include vendors belonging to the control account specified in this field. If you leave the field blank, the report will include vendors using any control account.
Vendor Group If you selected “P” in the field “Account Type” or if that field is empty, you can specify here that the report should only include vendors belonging to the vendor group specified in this field. If you leave the field blank, the report will include all vendors.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Statement Date In this field, you can enter a statement date for the currency report. The report can thus be printed on the basis of, for example, an ending date of a given month or a given year.
Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the window Print Layout in the Set-Up module, “Standard” is the only option.

Unrealized Exchange Rate Variances Island

Field Description
Create G/L Entries Select this check box to create G/L entries for unrealized exchange rate variances when you print the report. These are exchange rate variances caused by changes in the exchange rates between the statement date and the registration dates of open entries. This illustrates the exchange rate variances that would have to be registered if the open entries were closed on the statement date. The exchange rate variances are shown on the printout. For a further description of the calculation of the exchange rate variances, please see the introduction to this workspace.

If you select this check box, Maconomy creates a number of G/L entries, registering these expected exchange rate variances in your accounts. This corresponds to the information shown in the printout. However, no G/L entries are created for control accounts, as all accounts of this type are skipped in the process. The following posting process is carried out for each company included in the printout.

  • The exchange rate variance is determined for each G/L currency account (accounts where the Currency Account field is selected) in the Selection Criteria. For each account that has a variance, Maconomy then creates a G/L entry, using the number of the account in question as the account number on the entry. The variance amount is transferred to the entry; a variance in the current company's favor results in a credit entry, and a variance in the account's favor results in a debit entry. The amounts in different currencies are as follows on this entry:
    • The amount in base currency is the exchange rate variance amount (converted into the company's base currency).
    • The amount in currency is zero.
    • The enterprise currency amount is calculated from the amount in base currency, using the statement date as the exchange rate date. If the enterprise currency and base currency are identical, the amount is simply transferred. However, if the enterprise currency is the same as the currency of the account, the enterprise currency amount is set to zero.

When all accounts have been processed, Maconomy sums up the variances found on the G/L accounts and creates an offset entry for the total variance amount found. This entry is posted to the G/L account referred to in the dimension combination specified for Unrealized G/L Exchange Rate Variances in Setup » Job Cost Setup » Dimensions » Posting References » Job Posting Reference Lines.

The same process is carried out for each customer and vendor, respectively. However, the account number used on the G/L entries is different for customers and vendors.

If you select the Jobs Work In Progress or Jobs Unallocated On Account Amount check boxes, but do not enter dimension combinations in the job posting references for these entries, an error is displayed when you run the report.

Group Offset Entries by Currency If this field is marked Maconomy will create one entry per currency on the account for unrealized exchange rate differences. If the field is not marked Maconomy will create one entry per customer/vendor.
Post Company Exchange Rate Variances If you select this check box, Maconomy calculates and posts unrealized exchange rate variances in base currency. Maconomy then calculates the amount in enterprise currency from the unrealized exchange rate variance in base.
Post Enterprise Exchange Rate Variances If you select this check box, Maconomy calculates and posts unrealized exchange rate variances in enterprise currency.
Transaction Type In this field, you can specify a transaction type for the entries created as a result of the current currency report. You can only select transaction types that are valid in the Unrealized Exchange Rate Variance journal. The field is left empty by default.

If you leave the field empty, the system will try to derive a transaction type. If this fails, a warning message will be issued.

The value will be validated before actually used. The validation will test if the given transaction type is allowed for the Companies involved in the currency reevaluation, User, Unrealized Exchange Rate Variance journal combination.

Transaction Number Series In this field, you can specify a transaction number series by which the entries created as a result of the current currency report should be numbered. If you mark the field “Create G/L Entries” and select a number series in this field, the next available number in this series is used as the transaction number on all of the entries created as a result of unrealized exchange rate variances including the reversion entries. If this field is empty, the system will try to derive a value from the Transaction Type if “Transaction No.” is not specified on the lines.
Transaction No. In this field, you can specify a transaction number for the entries created as a result of the current currency report. If you mark the field “Create G/L Entries” and specify a number in this field, this number is used as the transaction number on all of the entries created as a result of unrealized exchange rate variances including the reversion entries. If this field is empty, the system will try to derive a “Transaction Number Series.”
Reversion Date If you have marked the field “Create G/L Entries,” you must specify in this field the date on which the unrealized exchange rate variance entries should be reversed as described in the field “Create G/L Entries.”

Currency Island

Field Description
Sales Exchange Rate Table In this field, you can select an exchange rate to use for the conversion of sales. The default is to use the standard exchange rate table.
Purchase Exchange Rate Table In this field, you can select an exchange rate to use for the conversion of purchases. The default is to use the standard exchange rate table.
Reporting Currency In this field, you can specify the currency in which figures on the printout should be displayed. All report figures will be converted into and displayed in this currency. If the current user has been assigned to a company in the window Users, Maconomy suggests the company base currency of the company in question.

When converting amounts into the selected currency, Maconomy uses the exchange rates valid on the date entered in the field “Exchange Rate Date.” In the conversion, the currency table for sales is used for customers, while the currency table for purchases is used for vendors. For G/L accounts, the currency table for sales is used if the account has a debit balance, while the currency table for purchases is used if the account has a credit balance. Please note that Maconomy performs currency conversion even though the original amount has been registered in the same currency as the one specified in this field, which may cause discrepancies between the registered amounts and the amounts shown in this window.