Print Currency Report Workspace

Use this workspace to calculate and print out a list of the company's G/L balance sheet accounts, customers, and vendors whose currency is different from the currency that you select in the Selection Criteria island in this workspace.

For accounts, only accounts for which you select the Currency Account field are included in the report.

Use the Selection Criteria island to select accounts, customers, and vendors. For these entities, Maconomy displays the open balance in the base currency of the company and in the currency of the account, vendor, or customer.

Choose between two layouts:
  • Standard—Reevaluation is based on the standard currency of the account, vendor, or customer.
  • Original—Reevaluation is based on the original currency of the entry.

The report can include multiple companies, with balances printed for each company.

Exchange Rates

In the Currency island, you can select specific exchange rates for sales and purchases. If you do not select rates, Maconomy uses the sales currency table for customers and the purchases currency table for vendors.

For G/L accounts, Maconomy uses the sales currency table if the account has a debit balance and the purchases currency table if the account has a credit balance. In all cases, Maconomy uses the exchange rate that is valid on the statement date.

Exchange Rate Variances

For each account, customer, and vendor, the workspace displays any unrealized exchange rate variances caused by changes in the exchange rates between the statement date and the entry dates of open entries. This workspace displays the variances on an entry-by-entry basis and as a total for each account, customer, or vendor in each company.

Maconomy uses the following process to determine the exchange rate variance of an account, customer, or vendor:

  1. For each account, customer, or vendor, Maconomy finds the open entries that exist for the current company.
  2. For each of these entries, Maconomy takes the amount in base currency and calculates a new base currency amount. This new amount is based on the exchange rate that is valid on the statement date and the entry amount in the standard currency of the account, customer, or vendor or in the original currency of the entry, depending on whether you use the Standard or Original layout.
  3. Maconomy adds up all of the variances found between the original base currency amounts and the recalculated ones. It displays the total of these amounts for the account, customer, or vendor, converted into the reporting currency.

If you select the Create G/L Entries field, Maconomy creates entries for unrealized exchange rate variances. These entries cause account balances to look as they would if the exchange rate variances had actually been realized, providing a more up-to-date picture of the accounts. The automatically created entries are set to reverse themselves on a given date.