Prepare Subscription Invoicing Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to prepare an invoice for periodical subscriptions.

This workspace has no relevance for any other types of subscriptions. You prepare subscriptions for subsequent invoicing in the Print Invoice workspace of the Sales Orders module.

In this workspace, you enter selection criteria for the group of subscriptions to be invoiced. When you finish preparing subscriptions, Maconomy creates sales order lines and uses them in connection with the subsequent invoicing. Those sales order lines are displayed in the Order Lines sub-tab of the Subscription Order Lines workspace; they correspond to the delivery lines that you can create manually in this workspace.

When you prepare subscriptions in this workspace, Maconomy automatically calculates any relevant price adjustments on subscription order lines that have a price adjustment principle. For more information about how Maconomy calculates price adjustments and determines whether price adjustment should occur on a given subscription line, see the introduction to the Price Adjustment Principles workspace.

Note that the information that you enter in the Selection Criteria island only applies to the preparation of new subscription orders to be invoiced, whereas the printout of this workspace contains all—old and new—of the prepared subscription order lines.