Subscriptions for Invoicing Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Subscriptions for Invoicing sub-tab.

Field Description
Selected for Invoicing If this field is ticked the subscription order will be prepared for invoicing when executing the action “Prepare for Invoicing.”
Subscrip. Order No. This field shows the number of the subscription order.
Job No. This field shows the number of the job if the subscription order is assigned to a job.
Activity No. This field shows the number of the activity that the subscription sales will be registered to if the subscription order is assigned to a job.
Customer No. This field shows the customer number of the subscription order.
Bill to Customer This field shows the customer number of the bill-to customer of the subscription order.
Subscription No. This field shows the number of the subscription.
Quantity This field shows the quantity of the subscription order line.
Unit This field shows the unit of the subscription order line.
Time Unit This field shows the time unit used for the entered unit price.
Subscription Text This field shows the description of the subscription.
Unit Price This field shows the price per unit of the current subscription order line.
Discount % This field shows the discount % of the subscription order line.
Discount This field shows the discount amount.
Extended Price This field shows the price of the subscription order line.
Invoicing Method This field shows the invoicing method.
Delivery Start Date This field shows when delivery of the subscription is to start.
Delivery End Date This field shows the delivery end date.
Discount Desc. This field shows the description of the discount.
Pricing Unit This field shows the pricing unit of the current subscription which is connected to the unit price of the subscription.
Price List This field shows the price list on which the prices of the subscrip­tion order are based.
Price Step This field shows the price step which is used for the current customer if a price list is used on the subscription order.
Price at Step 1 This field shows the sales price of one price unit of a subscrip­tion.
Quantity Disc. This field shows a quantity discount.
Item No. This field shows the number of the item which is assigned to the subscription.
Location This field shows the value for the dimension Location on the subscription order line.
Entity This field shows the value for the dimension Entity on the subscription order line.
Project This field shows the value for the dimension Project on the subscription order line.
Purpose This field shows the value for the dimension Purpose on the subscription order line.
Spec. 1 – 3 This field shows the value for the dimensions Spec. 1 – 3 on the subscription order line.
Local Spec. 1 – 3 This field shows the value for the dimensions Local Spec. 1 -3 on the subscription order line.
Invoicing Start Date By default, this field shows the date entered in the field “Start Date of Delivery.” Together with the “Invoicing End Date,” the invoicing start date determines the issues which are to be invoiced.
Invoicing End Date This field shows the end date of the invoicing period.
Non-Invoiceable This field shows whether the subscription is invoiceable or non-invoiceable.
Invoiced Until This field shows the last date of the period covered by the latest invoicing.
Credit From This field shows the date from which the current subscription order line should be credited.
Next Invoicing Date This field shows the date on which invoicing takes place, If no invoicing is actually taking place on the date of the next invoicing, the line will be invoiced on the first invoicing after the next invoicing date.
Invoicing Due Date This field shows the invoicing due date which is entered on the information card of the subscription.
Order Date this field shows the date of creation of the subscrip­tion order.
Contact Person No. This field shows the number of a contact person assigned to the subscription order line.
Subscription Status This field shows the status of the subscription order.
External Subscription Text This is the subscription description printed on all external order documents.
Internal Desc. This field shows the internal subscription text which is entered in the corresponding field on the subscription information card.
Extra Text 1-10 These fields show any extra text entered in the corresponding fields on the subscription information card.
Popup 1-5 These fields show the selected values of the pop-up fields.
Campaign No. This field shows the campaign number if the subscription order line is assigned to a campaign.
Price Adjustment Principle This field shows the price adjustment principle.
Index Date, Base This field shows the index date, base.
Date of Initial Adjustment This field shows the date of the first price adjustment.
Index Date, Initial Adjustment This field shows the index data of the initial adjustment.
Adjusted Unit Price The amount in this field is the one on which the next price adjustment will be based.
Date of Last Adjustment This field shows the last date on which the subscription price was adjusted.
Basis Of Calculation This field shows the amount used for the price calculation.
% of Basis This field shows the percentage used to calculate the unit price.