Prepare Subscription Invoicing Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Prepare Subscription Invoicing tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Lines When you mark this field, the lines matching the criteria specified in this island are shown in the table part of this window.
Invoice Date In this field, you enter a range of invoice dates. Only subscrip­tions with next invoice date within the entered range are included in the preparation for invoicing.
Bill to Customer In this field, you enter a range of billing customers. Only subscrip­tion invoices for subscriptions which are to be paid by customers within the specified range are included in the preparation for invoicing.
Customer No. In this field, you enter a range of customer numbers. Only subscription invoices for subscriptions with a customer number within the specified range are included in the preparation for invoicing. The preparation does not include blocked customers.
Customer Group In this field, you can limit the preparation of subscriptions to a specific customer group. Only subscriptions in the specified group are included in the preparation for invoicing.
Subscrip. Order No. In these fields, you enter a range of subscription order numbers. Only subscriptions within the specified range are included in the preparation for invoicing.
Subscription No. In these fields, you enter a range of subscription numbers. Only subscriptions with subscription numbers within the entered range are included in the preparation.
Subscription Group In these fields, you select a subscription group. Only subscription orders within the specified subscription group are included in the preparation.
Company No. In this field, you can enter a range of company numbers. Only subscription orders for which companies within the specified range are responsible are included in the preparation.
Job No. In this field, you can enter a range of job numbers. Only subscription orders linked to jobs in the specified range are included in the preparation.
Activity No. In this field, you can enter a range of activity numbers. Only subscription orders linked to activities in the specified range are included in the preparation.
Department In this field, you select a department. Only subscription orders with the specified department are included in the preparation.
Language In this field, you select a language. Only subscription orders with the specified language are included in the preparation.