Show G/L Report Output Data Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show G/L Report Output Data tab.

Output Data Island

Field Description
Show Lines When you check this box, the G/L Report Output Data Lines sub-tab will display the lines comprised by the report. However, Maconomy’s internal calculation lines are only shown if the field “Show Calculation Lines” below is also marked. Please note that Maconomy’s internal calculation lines are not the same as regular calculation lines set up in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace (which are shown if this field is marked). For more information on this, see the field “Show Calculation Lines” below.
Show Calculation Lines If you mark this field, the G/L Report Output Data Lines sub-tab will show Maconomy’s internal calculation lines in the current report. However, no lines are shown until the field “Show Lines” above is also marked. Please note that Maconomy’s internal calculation lines are not the same as regular calculation lines set up in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace (which are shown if the field “Show Lines” above is marked). Maconomy’s internal calculation lines are automatically created lines used for summarizing data.
Output Data Identification This field shows the identification number of the current report.
Generated by This field shows the name of the user who generated the current report, in either the G/L Report Set-Up or the Print G/L Report workspace.
Generated on This field shows the date and time on which the report was generated, that is, the date on which the user shown in the field “Generated by” either selected an action in this window that resulted in the generation of the report, or ordered the report in the Print G/L Report workspace.
Expiry Date In this field, you can specify the ending date of the report’s validity period. The validity period is used for warning other users who are about to run identical reports within a given period that such a report already exists.

Whenever a report is run, Maconomy checks if an identical report with a validity date that has not yet expired has already been saved and issues a warning if this is the case, allowing you to cancel the process. This way, by specifying a validity date, you ensure that users who are about to run an identical report will be informed that such a report already exists. Reports are considered identical if they have the same information in the islands Dimension Control, Selection Criteria, Currency Conversion, Company, Access Level, and Report (with the exception of the description fields) in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace.

Report Island

Field Description
Report This field shows the name and number of the report definition on which the current G/L report was based.
Description In these fields, you can enter a description of the current G/L Report. By default, these fields show the values from the corresponding description fields on the report definition on which the current G/L report was based.
Column Description This field shows the name of the column description used in the current G/L report.
Standard Column Description This field shows whether the column description in the field “Column Description” was also applied to all subreports (if any) called by the current report when the report was generated. For further information on the functionality of standard column descriptions, see the description of the field “Standard Column Description.”

Access Level Island

Field Description
Description This field shows the description of the access level specified in the field “Name” below.
Name In this field, you can specify an access level for the current report. A given user can only see the current G/L report if he or she has been assigned to this or a higher access level in the User Access Levels workspace in the Set-Up module. In other windows, a user can only reference the current report if he or she has been assigned to this or a higher access level in the User Access Levels workspace in the Set-Up module. Please note that this access control only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to saved reports may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration, please see “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, all users will have access to see information about the current report.

Extra Remarks Island

Field Description
Text 1-6 In these fields, you can enter text regarding the current G/L Report. By default, the values suggested are transferred from the corresponding text fields in the Extra Texts island on the report definition on which the current G/L report was based.

Output Data File Island

Field Description
Enter File Name In this field, you can specify whether or not the user should specify a file name when the “Create Tab-separated File” or “Create RTF File” action is selected. If this field is not marked, Maconomy names and places the file automatically as described under the action “Create Tab-separated File.” By default, this field shows the value from the corresponding field on the report definition on which the current G/L report was based.

Company Island

Field Description
Include subcompanies This field shows whether the report includes the subcompanies of the individual companies covered by the report. This field reflects the value in the corresponding field in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace when the report was generated. For further information on the inclusion of subcompanies, you should therefore see the description of the field “Include subcompanies.”

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Period This field shows the period covered by the current G/L report.
Statistics 1-4 These fields show the statistics values covered by the current G/L report.
Company No. From / Company No. Together, these fields identify the range of companies included in the current report.
Account No. From / Account No. To Together, these fields identify the range of accounts included in the report.
Intercompany Company From / Intercompany Company To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Customer No. From / Customer No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Vendor No. From / Vendor No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Job No. From / Job No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Activity No. From / Activity No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Task From / Task To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Employee No. From / Employee No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Asset No. From / Asset No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Item No. From / Item No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Statistics 1-4 From / Statistics 1-4 To In these fields, you can enter text regarding the current G/L Report. By default, the fields show the values from the corresponding text fields in the Extra Texts island on the report definition on which the current G/L report was based.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location From / Location To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Entity From / Entity To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Project From / Project To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Purpose From / Purpose To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Spec. 1-3 From / Spec. 1-3 To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Local Spec. 1-3 From / Local Spec. 1-3 To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”

Currency Conversion Island

Field Description
Currency This field shows the default currency in which amounts in the individual report fields are shown. However, on the individual lines in the report, this currency can in some cases be overruled according to the derivation priorities described in the field “Currency.” For further information on how the currency used in the individual fields on individual lines is determined, please see the description of that field.
Exchange Rate Table This field shows the default exchange rate table used for converting amounts in the individual report fields. However, on the individual lines in the report, this exchange rate table can in some cases be overruled according to the derivation priorities described in the field “Exchange Rate Table.” For further information on how the exchange rate table used in the individual fields on individual lines is determined, please see the description of that field.
Exchange Rate Date This field shows the default exchange rate date used for converting amounts in the individual report fields. However, on the individual lines in the report, this date can in some cases be overruled according to the derivation priorities described in the field “Exchange Rate Date.” For further information on how the exchange rate date used in the individual fields on individual lines is determined, please see the description of that field.