Budget Employee Category Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Budget Employee Category tab.

Employee Category Island

Field Description
Employee Category No. This field shows the number of an employee category.
Name This field shows the name of the budget employee category.
Currency This field shows the currency for all amounts specified on this budget employee category.

Employment Island

Field Description
Monthly Salary This field shows the monthly salary for the selected budget employee category.
Hours per Year This field shows the number of hours per year for the selected budget employee category.

Unproductive Time Island

Field Description
Unproductive Time Percentage 1-5 Five fields used to specify a percentage of the employed hours that are used on non-work related tasks, for example, vacation. Each field corresponds to the work type defined in System Information.

Productive Time Island

Field Description
Percentage Five fields used to specify a percentage of the working hours that are used on work related tasks, for example, invoicable hours. The 5 percentages should sum up to 100. Each field corresponds to the work type defined in System Information.
Rate Five fields used to specify a rate for the working hours that are used on work related tasks, for example, invoicable hours.