Discount Agreements Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Discount Agreements Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Application In this field, you can specify if the discount agreement is to be used in connection with sales or purchase.
Customer Group In this field, you can select a customer group so that only customers included in the selected group are granted the discount specified in the current discount agreement. The field can only be filled in if you have selected “Sales” in the field “Application.”
Enterprise Here, you can select an enterprise. The discount agreement will only apply to customers in this enterprise. The field can only be filled in if you have selected “Sales” in the field “Application.”
Segment The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Enterprise” above. The field can only be filled in if you have selected “Sales” in the field “Application.”
Area The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Enterprise” above. The field can only be filled in if you have selected “Sales” in the field “Application.”
From Customer No. This field and the field “To Customer No.” make up a range of customer numbers. The discount agreement will only apply to customers within this range. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all customers with numbers up to the value specified in the field “To Customer No..” The field can only be filled in if you have selected “Sales” in the field “Application.”
To Customer No. This field and the field “From Customer No.” make up a range of customer numbers. The discount agreement will only apply to customers within this range. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all customers with numbers from the value specified in the field “To Customer No.” and up. The field can only be filled in if you have selected “Sales” in the field “Application.”
From Destination No. This field and the field “To Destination No.” make up a range of destination numbers. The discount agreement only applies to orders assigned to a destination within the specified range. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all orders assigned to destinations with numbers up to the value specified in the field “To Destination No..” The fields can only be filled in if you have selected “Sales” in the field “Application.”
To Destination No. This field and the field “From Destination No.” make up a range of destination numbers. The discount agreement only applies to orders assigned to a destination within the specified range. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all orders assigned to destinations with numbers from the value specified in the field “To Destination No.” and up. The fields can only be filled in if you have selected “Sales” in the field “Application.”
Vendor Group In this field, you can select a vendor group so that only vendors belonging to the selected vendor group are granted the discount specified in the current discount agreement. The field can only be filled in if you have selected “Purchase” in the field “Application.”
From Vendor No. This field and the field “To Vendor No.” make up a range of vendor numbers. The discount agreement will only apply to vendors within this range. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all vendors with numbers up to the value specified in the field “To Vendor No..” The field can only be filled in if you have selected “Purchase” in the field “Application.”
To Vendor No. This field and the field “From Vendor No.” make up a range of vendor numbers. The discount agreement will only apply to vendors within this range. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all vendors with numbers from the value specified in the field “From Vendor No.” and up. The field can only be filled in if you have selected “Purchase” in the field “Application.”
First Delivery Date This field and the field “Last Delivery Date” make up a range of delivery dates. The discount will only be granted if the current item is ordered for delivery within the specified range of dates. This means that the date in the “Pref. Delivery Date” field in the Sales Orders window must be within this range in order for the discount to be granted. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all dates up until the date specified in the field “Last Delivery Date.”
Date of Last Shipment This field and the field “First Delivery Date” make up a range of delivery dates. The discount will only be granted if the current item is ordered for delivery within the specified range of dates. This means that the date in the “Pref. Delivery Date” field in the Sales Orders window must be within this range in order for the discount to be granted. If you leave this field blank, the range will include all dates from the value specified in the field “Last Delivery Date” and up.
Min. Quantity In this field, you can enter the minimum quantity of units a customer must order to receive the current discount.

If you leave the field blank, it will have no influence on the selection criteria.

Min. Amount Here you enter the minimum currency amount a customer must spend to receive the discount.

If you leave the field blank, the amount does not have any influence on the possibility of getting a discount in accordance with the current discount agreement.

Enterprise Currency This field shows the currency selected as the enterprise currency in the Maconomy system. For further information about the concepts of enterprise currency and base currencies, see the description of the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module.
Amount In this field, you can enter the discount of the current discount agreement, if the discount is granted as an amount. You must enter a value here or in the “%” field. If you enter a value in both fields, Maconomy selects the discount resulting in the highest discount amount.

If you enter an amount here, you can use the field “By Pricing Unit” to determine whether to deduct the discount from the total line price or by pricing unit.

The amount is shown in the enterprise currency.

By Pricing Unit A mark in his field determines if the discount in the “Amount” field is to be deducted from the total line price unit or by pricing unit. The pricing unit is shown in the field “Pricing Unit” on the Item Information Card.

If you do not mark this field, the discount amount will be deducted from the total line price, which is shown in the field “Amount.”

To illustrate, if this field is marked, the pricing unit for an item is 6, and the customer orders 24 units of the designated item, the discount will be 4 times the amount in the “Amount” field.

Discount % In this field, you can enter the discount percentage if the discount is granted in percentages. You must enter a value here or in the field “Amount.” If you enter a value in both fields, Maconomy selects the discount resulting in the highest discount amount.
Discount Desc. Here you enter the discount text in the primary language of the system. The primary language is the one appearing on the first table line for the pop-up type “Languages” in the table part of the window Popup Fields. The description appears on quotes, orders, and invoices assigned to the primary language, as the text is transferred the “Discount Desc.” field on the table lines where the current discount is granted.

The text you enter is furthermore created as an entry in the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module. It is then possible to assign translations of the discount description in the languages used in Maconomy. This makes it possible, for example, to send an invoice to a German company with the discount descriptions in German. In those cases where no translation of the discount description has been made in the language used in a given context for instance on the printout of an order confirmation, Maconomy uses the description in this field instead. For more information about discount descriptions in other languages, please see the description of the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module.

Fixed Price List In this field, you can select a price list so that the selected customers or vendors will be locked to a certain price list assigned to the current item. If you specify a fixed price list and the current item discount is triggered, the item’s unit price on the order, purchase or invoice line will be calculated according to the price list in this field instead of according to the price list specified on the order. Hence, a discount agreement can result in another price list being used than the one originally stated on the order. Furthermore, Maconomy will calculate the discount on the basis of the fields “Amount” and “Discount %.”

The discount agreement is only used if the price, according to the fixed price list, less the discount, is lower than the price quoted for the order, the invoice or the credit order.

The pop-up field shows the price lists created in the window Price Lists for the current item. However, you can select “blank,” which means that the item’s price always has to be calculated on the basis of the price list specified on the order, the invoice or the item purchase order. However, discount will still be calculated on the basis of the fields “Amount” or “Discount %.” Please note that the price list has to have the same application (purchase or sales) as the discount agreement.

Fixed Price Step In this field, you can enter a price step so that the selected customers or vendors will be locked to a certain price list for the current item in the fixed price list assigned to the discount agreement. This means that the item’s unit price is calculated on the basis of this price step on the price list specified in the field “Fixed Price List” for the current item discount agreement, instead of for the price step that the number of units on the line would usually result in. If the value “blank” has been selected in the field “Fixed Price List,” you cannot enter a value in this field.

You can choose not to fill in this field and if you leave the field blank, the item’s unit price is to be taken from the price step that the number of units on the current order-, invoice- or purchase line gives rise to.

Created by This field shows the name of the user who created the current discount line.
Created on This field shows the date on which the current discount line was created.
Changed by This field shows the name of the last user who made changes to the current discount line.
Changed on This field shows the date on which the current discount line was changed
Version This field shows a number corresponding to the version of the information on the line. Maconomy automatically increases the version number by one every time the information on the line is changed. It is not possible to retrieve previous versions.
Remarks 1-5 In these fields, you can enter various remarks to the discount on the line.