Sales List System Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Sales List System Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Customer No. Here you enter the customer number. Maconomy checks that the customer exists and is from an EU country. If you cannot remember a number, you can use the search functions in the Find menu. Once the entry has been created, the number cannot be changed. Nor can you change the number of an automatically created entry.

You cannot enter more than two entries with the same customer number, one with and one without a mark in the “Salary Prep.” field.

Salary Prep. You can mark this field if the items are sent to/returned from salary preparation. For automatically created entries, the value is taken from the “Salary Preparation” field in the item information card. For items which are sent for preparation in another EU country, the field should remain unmarked. For items that are being returned from salary preparation, the value of the work should be entered. Once the entry is created, the field cannot be changed. This is the name from the customer information card. It cannot be changed.
Name This is the name from the customer information card. It cannot be changed.
Tax No. This is the value from the “Tax No.” field in the customer information card. It cannot be changed.
Country This is the value from the “Country” field in the customer information card. It cannot be changed.
Sales Amount, Base Here you enter the customer’s total sales amount for the period in the company’s base currency. The value is rounded off to the nearest whole currency unit. If you have created specification lines for the entry in the Sales List System Items window, the field cannot be changed. Similarly, if you enter the sales amount manually, you cannot create specification lines.
Sales Amount, EU Reports In this field, you can enter the period’s total sales amount for the customer in the company’s EU reporting currency. The value is rounded to the nearest whole currency unit. If you have created specification lines for the entry in the Sales List System Items window, the field cannot be changed. Also, if you enter the sales amount manually, you cannot create specification lines.
Sales price,, base In this field, you can enter the customer’s total triangulation sales amount for the period. The amount is entered in the company’s base currency.
Sales price,, EU Rep. In this field, you can enter the period’s total sales amount for triangulation trade for the customer in the company’s EU reporting currency. Triangulation trade is registered on invoices or credit memos by changing the value in the field “EU Trade Type” from “Normal” to “Triangulation Trade”.
Exchange Rate Date In this field, you can specify the date which should be used when converting amounts into the chosen reporting currency. When entering manually entries, Maconomy uses the valid exchange rates specified in the exchange rate table selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module for conversion of currency amounts. The field cannot be changed for entries generated automatically.
Manual This field is marked if the entry is entered manually and unmarked if created automatically with the action “Create Entries”. It cannot be changed.
Internal Reference No. In this field, you can enter an internal reference number to identify the current sales list system entry.
Remarks In this field, you can enter a comment about the report. It is not displayed in the printed report.