Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Invoice No. This field shows the number of the current invoice. The number is the vendor invoice number and is retrieved from the Vendor Invoices window. It cannot be changed here.
Supplier No. This field shows a range of supplier numbers. Maconomy will only print checks for suppliers within this range.
Due Date This is the entry's due date. The due date is calculated from the invoice date and the vendor's payment terms. The date determines whether the entry is selected for payment when you select the action “Create Payment Selection.” The entry is selected if the due date is on or before the due date in the card part of the window.

The date in this field was specified when the vendor invoice was registered, but can be changed here.

Debit, Currency This is the debit entry amount in the vendor's currency. Debit entries are created when you register vendor credit memos in a vendor invoice journal or a general journal.
Credit, Currency This is the credit entry amount in the vendor's currency. Credit entries are created when you register vendor invoices in a vendor invoice journal or a general journal.
Remainder, Currency This field shows how much of the original entry amount still needs to be paid or reconciled.

Maconomy automatically adjusts the balance with any discount specified on the line.

If you select the action “Create Payment Selection,” the balance amount is selected for payment and transferred to the field “Payment.”

The “Balance, Currency” field is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed.

Payment, Currency This field shows how much of the entry is selected for payment. If payment is selected automatically, Maconomy will transfer the amount from the “Balance” field to this field. In manual selection, you must enter an amount here. The amount must not exceed the balance.
Discount % In this field, you can specify a cash discount percentage. When you press Return, Maconomy calculates the discount amount and shows it in the field “Cash Discount.” If a cash discount term has been specified for the vendor in question in the window Company Specific Payment Control, Maconomy automatically fills in this field when creating a payment selection, if the vendor is to be granted a cash discount. Whether or not an entry is automatically assigned a cash discount is determined by the cash discount term specified for the vendor in question and the cash discount date specified in the field “Cash Discount Date” on the line.

If the vendor is selected to pay tax in the field “Tax” in the window Company Specific Payment Control, the cash discount is deducted from the invoice before the tax is added. The invoice amount, excluding tax, is calculated from the tax rate in the standard tax code (specified in the window System Information).

If you only fill in the field “Cash Discount” on the line, Maconomy will calculate the corresponding percentage rate and show it here, when you press Return.

If you enter values in both fields, Maconomy will use the discount amount to calculate a discount percentage.

Cash Discount, Currency In this field, you enter any cash discount as an amount in the vendor’s currency. If Maconomy has automatically calculated the cash discount on the basis of the cash discount date on the line and the cash discount term specified for the current vendor, and if tax adjustment has been selected in the applied cash discount term, the amount in this field includes tax. If tax adjustment has not been selected in the applied cash discount term, the amount is shown in this field exclusive of tax.

Alternatively, you can enter a discount percentage as described in the field “Discount %.”

The cash discount is posted on the cash discount account which is stated by means of a dimension combination in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

The cash discount is posted separately in the General Ledger.

Being Paid, Currency This field shows how much of the entry is being paid. It is shown in the vendor’s currency. An entry is counted as being paid from the time it is included in a payment file created in the window Payment Files until it is approved as paid.
Currency This field shows the currency of the vendor.
Payment Mode Here you choose how to pay the invoice. Maconomy suggests the payment mode selected when the vendor invoice entry was posted, but you can change the payment mode here. The payment mode is a reference to a G/L account. When you approve the payment selection, the payment mode points to the G/L account to which the payment is being offset, that is, from which payment is taken. The reference is made by means of a dimension combination in the window Payment Modes.
Pay when Paid In this field, you can specify whether payment when paid functionality should apply to the current invoice entry. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the vendor invoice to which the current entry pertains. The field can only be marked if the system parameter “Enable Payment when Paid” has been marked.

Payment when paid functionality is used for ensuring that vendor invoices are not paid until they are allocated, and that vendor invoices allocated to jobs are not paid until you have received payment from the customer of the job in question.

If you do not mark the field, the field “Ready for Payment,” which must be marked for the entry to be included in the payment selection, is marked if the invoice is simply approved, that is, the field “Approved” has been marked.

If you mark the field, the field “Ready for Payment” is only marked if the invoice is approved and the field “Paid by Customer” is marked. This means that the entry is only included in the payment selection if the invoice has been allocated. Furthermore, if the invoice is allocated to one or more jobs, the entry is only included in the payment selection if the job entries created as a result of the allocation have all been invoiced and paid, or otherwise closed (for example, written off). When the field is marked, the due date does not determine whether the entry is selected for payment. Payment when paid entries are selected for payment as soon as they are ready for payment.

Paid by Customer This field only applies to invoice entries assigned to a job entry created as a result of allocating the vendor invoice to a job. The field shows whether the customer of the job in question has paid the amount due for the job entry.

This means that the field is only marked if all job entries created as a result of the allocation of the vendor invoice have all been invoiced and paid, or otherwise closed (for example, written off).

Along with the fields “Approved” and “Pay when Paid,” this field determines whether the field “Ready for Payment” is marked, and the entry is therefore ready to be paid.

If the field “Pay when Paid” is marked on the line, the field “Ready for Payment” is only marked if both this field and the field “Approved” are marked. If the field “Pay when Paid” is not marked on the line, only the field “Approved” needs to be marked for the field “Ready for Payment” to be marked.

Ready for Payment This field shows whether the current entry is ready for payment and will thereby be included in the payment selection.

If the field “Pay when Paid” is marked on the line, the field is only marked if both the field “Paid by Customer” and the field “Approved” are marked. If the field “Pay when Paid” is not marked on the line, only the field “Approved” needs to be marked for this field to be marked. However, if the entry is approved, it is possible to select it for payment manually.

Please note that if this field is marked on a line on which the field “Pay when Paid” is also marked, the due date does not determine whether the entry is selected for payment. Payment when paid entries are selected for payment as soon as they are ready for payment.

Approved This field shows whether the invoice has been approved. An invoice must be approved to be selected for payment. The field cannot be changed here.

Invoices are approved manually in the Approve Invoices window, where it is also possible to cancel an approval. Invoices are approved automatically if the “Automatic Approval” field is marked for the vendor in question. The “Automatic Approval” field is changed in the window Payment Control.

Card Type Code This field shows the card type code entered in the window Vendor Invoices when registering the entry. If you have not entered a code in that window, Maconomy uses the code from the window Payment Control. You can change the suggested value. The code is used by Maconomy to create a payment file in the window Payment Files.
Payer Identification This field shows the payer identification entered in the window Vendor Invoices when the entry was created. If you have not entered a code in that window, Maconomy will use the payer identification from the window Payment Control. You can change the suggested value here. The information is used when a payment file is created in the window Payment Files to identify the vendor entry related to the current payment.
Giro This field shows the giro number assigned to the pay-to vendor.

Bank Acct. No. This field shows the bank account number assigned to the pay-to vendor.

Reg. No. This field shows the registration number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
Credit Card No. This field shows the credit card number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
CPC No. This field shows the CPC number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
Payment Description This field shows the payment description entered in the window Vendor Invoices when registering the entry. You can change the suggested value here. The code is used by Maconomy to create a payment file in the window Payment Files.
Entry Date This is the entry date in the General Ledger. The date identifies the posting period. The date cannot be changed.
Trans. No. This is the entry's transaction number. The number was entered on the vendor invoice. It cannot be changed.

When the entry is paid, this number is not the one shown on the payment. Maconomy allocates a unique payment transaction number. These numbers are maintained in the window System Numbers in the Set-Up module.

Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the vendor entry.
Description This is the entry description. The text was entered on the vendor invoice, and it cannot be changed.

When the entry is paid, this text is not shown on the payment. Maconomy retrieves a text from the window Posting Descriptions in the G/L module.

Original Amount This is the original invoice amount, expressed in the entry's original currency. It was specified on the vendor invoice and cannot be changed.
Original Currency This is the currency in which the invoice was registered. It was specified on the vendor invoice and cannot be changed.
Responsible This is the employee responsible for approving invoices and credit memos for the vendor. The name is used partly for reference, partly on the printout of unapproved vendor invoices, which is sorted by ‘responsible.’ The name cannot be changed.
Cash Discount Date This field shows a cash discount date for the vendor entry in question. The date in this field is the latest date that will trigger the allowance of a cash discount for the current vendor entry. The date is calculated on the basis of the cash discount term displayed in the island Payment Control and the posting date for the current vendor invoice. However, you can change the date in this field manually.
Date Posted This is the date the entry was posted. It cannot be changed.
Import Date This field shows the import date entered in the window Vendor Invoices when registering the entry. You can change the value here. The code is used by Maconomy to create a payment file in the window Payment Files.