Employee Skills Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Employee Skills sub-tab.

Field Description
Skill Type This field shows the type of the skill specified in the field “Skill No.” on the line.
Skill No. By entering the number of a skill in this field, you can assign the employee to a skill.
Skill Name This field shows the name of the skill.
Level In this field, you can enter the level of the current skill to specify how well the employee masters the skill. The level must be an option included in the level list assigned to the skill.

If automatic level specification has been selected for this skill in the window Skills, the level of the skill will automatically be calculated, provided that at least one of its subskills has also been associated with the employee. Maconomy will recalculate the level of the skill if one or more of the subskills are associated with the employee, or if the level of one of its subskills is changed. The value of the field cannot be changed by the user, unless there are no subskills associated with this skill. If the skill has no subskills, the level of the skill must be specified manually in this field.

Skill Acquired On In this field, you can enter the date when the employee acquired the current skill.
Level Acquired On In this field, you can enter the date when the employee acquired the current skill level. If the current level is changed, this field will be changed to today’s date by default, but you can change the date.
Expiry Date In this field, you can enter the expiration date of the specified employee's skill.
Main Skill 1 No. This field shows the number of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the current skill.
Main Skill 1 Name This field shows the name of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the current skill.
Main Skill 2 No. This field shows the number of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 1 No.” above.
Main Skill 2 Name This field shows the name of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 1 No.” above.
Main Skill 3 No. This field shows the number of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 2 No.” above.
Main Skill 3 Name This field shows the name of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 2 No.” above.
Main Skill 4 No. This field shows the number of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 3 No.” above.
Main Skill 4 Name This field shows the name of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 3 No.” above.
Top-level Skill No. This field shows the number of the top-level skill of the current skill.
Top-level Skill Name This field shows the name of the top-level skill of the current skill.
Course No. In this field, you can enter the number of a course. This is the course which qualified the current employee for the skill on the current line.
Course Name This field shows the name of the course which qualified the employee for the current skill.
Remarks In this field, you can enter some remarks regarding the current employee skill.