Employee Skills Workspace

Use this workspace to specify an employee's skills.

You can assign to each employee one or more skills and a rating for each of them.

You create this rating by defining a list of levels that specifies for each employee the degree to which he or she has mastered the skill in question. The tab includes general information about the employee, and the sub-tab displays a list of the skills that the employee in question possesses, sorted by skill types.

You can require that a task be performed by an employee who has specific skills at a certain level. You do this in the Skill Requirements workspace by assigning skills to jobs' planning budgets lines on which you have specified time activities. When you allocate hours on a task for an employee in the Detailed Planning workspace, Maconomy checks whether the employee in question has the skills required for the task that you specified on the current job budget line. Similar functionality applies in the Job Cost module, so that when you approve a job's planning budget, Maconomy checks each new or modified skill requirement against the employees who are allocated to perform the tasks specified on the lines.

Note that if you delete a skill level for an employee who has been allocated hours in the detailed planning on lines that require that he or she possesses the skill at this level, Maconomy issues a warning.