Daily Time Sheets Workspace

Use this workspace to record how you spend the hours of your working day.

You can enter one time sheet per day. If you use the Time Sheets workspace, you can enter information for a full week.

Your time sheet entries are the basis for customer billing and internal reporting. Therefore, it is important to enter your time accurately and in a timely fashion, both for customer projects and internal projects.

Using daily time sheets makes sense if your company needs up-to-date information on time consumption so that it can invoice customers quickly.

You can use this workspace only if your installation of Maconomy is set up to use daily time sheets by means of the Use Daily Time Sheets system parameter. If you did not select this system parameter, Maconomy only maintains existing daily time sheets.

See the description of Time Sheets Workspace for further details.


In this workspace, you cannot see the approval status and similar information from the Approve Time Sheet Lines workspace, because time sheet lines are approved for one week at a time. The hours entered in this workspace are displayed in the Approve Time Sheet Lines workspace because they are also part of the weekly time sheet. However, this only applies if the weekly time sheet has the status Approved.