Jobs Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Jobs sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the number of the current job in the sub-tab. Maconomy will only show lines in the sub-tab when the field “Show Lines” is marked.
Job Name This field shows the name of the current job.
To Be Calculated If you mark this field, the job on the current line should be included in the calculation of the revenue recognition. The calculation is performed when you select the action “Calculate Revenue Recognition.” Maconomy will calculate both the completion percentage and the revenue to be recognized, but only if the fields “Calculate Completion Percentage” and “Calculate Revenue,” respectively, are marked.

This field and the field “Approve” cannot be marked at the same time.

Approve If you mark this field, the job in the current line is approved when you select the function “Approve Revenue Recognition.” Upon approval, Maconomy creates a job revenue recognition journal, which should then be posted in the G/L module. For more information, please see the description of the action “Approve Revenue Recognition.”

If you remove the mark in this field, the field “Fixed-Price Basis” is updated to show the current fixed price if the price was previously based on a budget with a given revision code.

This field and the field “To be Calculated” cannot be marked at the same time.

Percentage, New Revenue Recognition This field specifies how large a percentage of the fixed price should be recognized as revenue. The percentage can be calculated by Maconomy, and it will then correspond to the ratio between the registered costs/billing prices of the job and the budgeted costs/billing prices of the job. You can also enter a percentage manually, and the amount in the field “Amount for Revenue Recognition” is updated to correspond to the specified part of the fixed price. The maximum percentage in this field is 100% if the job is a fixed-price job. If the job is a time and material job, the percentage can be anything from 0 and up. See the description of the fields “Limit Revenue” and “Completion % Limit” for more information about limiting completion percentages. When you specify a percentage manually, Maconomy will reset the date in the field “Date, New Revenue Recognition” as an indication that you must decide yourself on which date the recognition of the calculated revenue should be based. Note that if you need to make a manual change to a job that uses detailed revenue recognition, such changes cannot be made in this window, but must instead be entered in the window Job Revenue Recognition Details. Note that if the job has “Quote” status, the percentage must be 0 in this field.
Amount, New Revenue Recognition This field specifies the size of the amount to be recognized as revenue on the job. The amount can be calculated by Maconomy, and it will then correspond to the percentage of the fixed price shown in the field “Percentage, Recognized As Revenue.” You can also specify an amount manually, and the percentage in the field “Percentage, Recognized As Revenue” will be updated to correspond to the specified amount. If the job is a fixed-price job, the amount specified cannot exceed the fixed price of the job as shown in the field “Fixed Price Basis.” If the job is a time and material job, the values in the fields “Limit Revenue” and “Compl. % Limit” will determine how large an amount you can recognize as revenue on the job. Note that if the job has “Quote” status, the amount must be 0 in this field.

When you specify an amount manually, Maconomy will reset the date in the field “Date, New Revenue Recognition” as an indication that you must decide yourself on which date the recognition of the calculated revenue should be based.

Note that if you need to make a manual change to a job that uses detailed revenue recognition, such changes cannot be made in this window, but must instead be entered in the window Job Revenue Recognition Details.

Date, New Revenue Recognition The date in this field specifies when the revenue recognition should be registered in the G/L module. The date is transferred from the field “Revenue Recognition Date” when you select the action “Calculate Revenue Recognition.” You can, however, change the date here before selecting the action “Approve Revenue Recognition.”
Cost Basis, Registered Upon calculation this field shows the cost of the hours and amounts that are registered for the job up to the date specified in the field “Revenue Recognition Date.” Together with the value in the field “Cost Basis, Budget,” this amount will form the basis of a calculation of the percentage to be recognized if the completion percentage on the job is to be calculated on the basis of cost prices. Whether the completion percentage of a job should be calculated on the basis of budgeted cost prices or budget billing prices is specified in the job parameter attribute “Calculate Completion % From” in the job parameter Revenue Recognition. When you open this window, this field will show the cost basis from the last time the revenue recognition was calculated.

If the job parameter attribute “Include Outlays in Fixed Price” in the job parameter type “Pricing Method” is assigned the value “No” for the job in question, the amounts from outlay activities and other non-fixed-price entries are deducted from the total cost basis in this field and the fields “Cost Basis, Budget” and “Fixed-Price Basis.” See the description of the job parameter attribute “Include Outlays in Fixed Price” in the window Job Parameters for more information about the functionality of this attribute.

Cost Basis, Budget This field shows the cost price of the hours and amounts budgeted for the job in the budget specified in either the job parameter attribute “Completion % Budget Type” or in the job parameter attribute “Fixed Price Budget Type.” Together with the value in the field “Cost Basis, Registered,” this amount forms the basis of a calculation of the percentage to be recognized as revenue if the completion percentage on the job is to be calculated on the basis of cost prices. Whether the completion percentage of a job should be calculated on the basis of budgeted cost prices or budget billing prices is specified in the job parameter attribute “Calculate Completion % From” in the job parameter Revenue Recognition. If a revision code has been selected, the budget is used with the specified code. Otherwise, the most recently approved revision of the job’s budget will be used. If an approved revision of the job budget does not exist, the value in this field will be 0.

If the job parameter “Include Outlays in Fixed Price” in the job parameter type “Pricing Method” is assigned the value “No” for the job in question, the amounts are deducted from the outlay activities from the total cost basis in this field and the fields “Cost Basis, Registered” and “Fixed Price Basis.”

Fixed Price Basis This field shows the fixed price of the job. In the job parameter attribute “Invoicing Method” it is specified whether the basis of a fixed price should be a job budget or the quote price of the job. If a budget is specified, the fixed price of the job corresponds to the total billing price of the hours and amounts budgeted for the job in the most recently approved revision of the job budget of the type specified in the relevant job parameter attribute. If an approved revision of the job budget does not exist, the amount in this field will be 0. Billing prices that originate from outlay activities are only included if it is specified on the job that the price includes outlays.

If the basis of a fixed price is specified as the quote price, the effective quote price of the job is shown in this field. The effective quote price is the original quote price from the window Jobs or Job Budgets, or the quote price that has been approved most recently in the window Quote Editing.

If the job parameter “Include Outlays in Fixed Price” in the job parameter type “Pricing Method” is given the value “No” for the job in question, the amount of outlay activities or, more generally, non-fixed-price entries, is deducted from the total cost basis in this field and the fields “Cost Basis, Budget” and “Cost Basis, Registered.”

Budget Type, Fixed Price This field shows the type of the job budget that includes the cost or billing prices which form the basis of the calculation of the revenue to be recognized on a job. If the fixed-price basis is a job budget (see the description of the field “Fixed Price Basis” above), the fixed-price basis will also originate from this budget.
Budget Rev. No., Fixed Price This field shows the number of the used revision of the job budget shown in the field “Budget Type, Fixed Price” above.
Budget Type, Completion Percentage This field shows the type of the budget which formed the basis for the calculation of the completion percentage. See the introduction to this window for information about separating the fixed- price budget of a job from the on-going budget of a job.
Budget Rev. No., Completion Percentage This field shows the number of the used revision of the job budget which formed the basis for the calculation of the completion percentage.
Status In this field, you can choose if jobs with status Quote or Order should be included in the selection. If the field is left blank, jobs of either status are included. Note that the revenue to be recognized is calculated to zero for jobs in Quote.
Revenue Recognition Date The date displayed in this field is determined by the value in the field “Show Latest Approved Revenue Recognition” in the island Calculate Revenue. If that field is marked, this field will show the date on which the latest revenue recognition was approved. If that field is not marked, the date in this field will display the date on which revenue was recognized on the job.
Percentage, Revenue Recognized The percentage displayed in this field is determined by the value in the field “Show Latest Approved Revenue Recognition” in the island Calculate Revenue. If that field is marked, this field shows the approved percentage recognized as revenue on the job. If that field is not marked, the percentage in this field will display the percentage currently recognized as revenue in the job, but which has not yet been approved.
Amount, Revenue Recognized The amount displayed in this field is determined by the value in the field “Show Latest Approved Revenue Recognition” in the island Calculate Revenue. If that field is marked, this field shows the approved amount recognized as revenue on the job. If that field is not marked, the amount in this field will display the amount currently recognized as revenue in the job, but which has not yet been approved.
Percentage, Adjustment This field shows the difference between the percentage of the fixed price of the job already revenue-recognized and the potential percentage that will be revenue-recognized if the current revenue recognition is performed. The field thus shows the balance between the fields “Percentage, Revenue Recognized” and the field “Percentage, New Revenue Recognition.”
Amount, Adjustment This field shows the difference between the amount of the fixed price of the job already revenue-recognized and the potential amount that will be revenue-recognized if the current revenue recognition is performed. The field thus shows the balance between the fields “Amount, Revenue Recognized” and the field “Amount, New Revenue Recognition.”
Limit Revenue Recognition In this field, you can choose whether the revenue to be recognized on a job should be limited by a given percentage. The percentage is specified in the field “Completion % Limit” on the line. If the job on the line is a fixed-price job, this field is automatically marked, and the mark cannot be removed, as the revenue to be recognized on a fixed-price job is limited to never exceed the fixed price of the job.

If the job on the line is a time-and-material job, the field can be marked and unmarked manually. Whether the field is automatically marked on a time-and-material job is determined by the value specified in the job parameter attribute “Limit Revenue” in the job parameter type “Revenue Recognition” assigned to the job in question. However, the value in that attribute is only a default value, meaning that the mark in this field can be removed manually if you do not want the revenue to be recognized on a certain time-and-material job to be limited by a certain percentage.

If you mark this field, the revenue to be recognized on the job will be limited to the fixed price of the job multiplied by the completion percentage limit specified in the field “Completion % Limit” on the line. See the description of the field “Completion % Limit” below for further information about limiting revenue recognition on a given job.

If this field is not marked, there will be no limit to the revenue to be recognized on a time-and-material job. This means that the completion percentage can be larger than 100% and that more than the “fixed price” of a time-and-material job can be recognized as revenue.

Note that if the job uses detailed revenue recognition, you cannot change the marking of this field in this window. If you need to mark or unmark this field on a job that uses detailed revenue recognition, this must instead be done in the Job Revenue Recognition Details window.

Completion % Limit In this field, you can enter a completion percentage limit to apply to the job on the line. The value entered in this field will only apply if you have marked the field “Limit Revenue Recognition” on the line in question.

If the job on the line is a fixed-price job, the value in this field can be a figure between 0 and 100%. If the job on the line is a time-and-material job, the value in this field can be a figure from 0% and up, as the revenue to be recognized on a time-and-material job is not necessarily limited to the “fixed price” of the job.

If, for example, you enter the value “85%” in this field, the revenue recognized on both fixed-price jobs and time-and-material jobs cannot exceed 85% of the fixed price of the jobs. If, on the other hand, you enter the value “120%” in this field on a fixed-price job, Maconomy will issue an error message, as it is not possible to recognize more revenue than the fixed price of a fixed-price job that is, 100%, whereas 120% is a valid value for time-and-material jobs. Whether a job is a fixed-price job or a time-and-material job is displayed on each line in the field “Pricing Principle.”

The default value in this field is derived from the job parameter attribute “Compl. % Limit” in the job parameter type “Revenue Recognition.” However, this value can be changed manually.

Billing Price Basis, Registered Upon calculation, this field shows the total billing price of the hours and amounts registered on the job up to the date specified in the field “Revenue Recognition Date.” Together with the value in the field “Billing Price Basis, Budget,” this amount will form the basis of a calculation of the percentage to be recognized if the job is set up to have the completion percentage calculated on the basis of billing price. This is specified in the job parameter attribute “Calculate Completion % From” in the job parameter Revenue Recognition assigned to the job in question.
Billing Price Basis, Budget This field shows the billing price of the hours and amounts budgeted for the job in the budget specified in either the job parameter attribute “Completion % Budget Type” or in the job parameter attribute “Fixed Price Budget Type” for the current job. Together with the value in the field “Billing Price Basis, Registered,” this amount forms the basis of a calculation of the percentage to be recognized as revenue if the job is set up to have the completion percentage calculated on the basis of billing price.
Job Group This field shows to which job group the current line is assigned.
Invoicing Method This field shows whether the job on the line is a fixed-price job or a time and material job.
Department This field shows the department to which the job on the current line is assigned.
Customer Group This field shows the name of the customer group to which the customer on the job is assigned.
Customer No. This field shows the number of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer Name This field shows the name of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Currency This field shows the currency selected for the job on the current line.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency for the company responsible for the job on the current line.
Country This field shows the country specified for the customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Language This field shows the language specified for the customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Project Manager No. This field shows the number of the employee assigned as project manager for the job on the current line.
Project Manager This field shows the name of the employee assigned as project manager for the job on the current line.
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the job on the current line.
Company Name This field shows the name of the company responsible for the job on the current line.
Location This field shows the value for the dimension “Location” which may be assigned to the job in the current line.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location.”