Vendor Information Card Workspace

Use this workspace to enter and maintain information about vendors, including accounting information that Maconomy uses to process purchases and vendor invoices.

Vendors that you enter here are centralized, enterprise-wide vendors, and are the basis from which you create company-specific vendors. Use the Company Specific Vendor Information Card workspace to create company-specific vendors.

You can enter, change, and delete vendor information. However, you can only delete a vendor that has a zero balance, and for whom no entries were entered in the current or prior fiscal year.

In addition, you cannot delete a vendor if he is entered as vendor in the inventory information on an Item Information Card or Media Information Card, and for whom there are entries ready to be posted in the G/L module.

You create company-specific vendors in the Company Specific Vendor Information Card workspace. If you create a vendor using a given linking rule in the Parent Vendor island, the setup of that linking rule determines which information Maconomy copies to the new company-specific vendor and whether you can change this information. For the purpose of clarity, the descriptions of the fields in this workspace are therefore introduced by "In this field, you specify...." Whether or not it is possible to specify, change, or only view a value in each field depends on the setup of the linking rule assigned to the vendor, if any.

If Maconomy should copy information from a standard vendor that is specified in one of the System Information or Company Information workspaces to new vendors, you must specify this standard vendor as the parent vendor in one of those workspaces. To have Maconomy automatically copy the information from this standard vendor to new vendors, you must create a standard linking rule between the relations Creditor and Creditor in the Linking Rules workspace in the Set-Up module. You should create the linking rule with Creditor in the main relation and Creditor in the subordinate relation. In this linking rule, you also specify the fields that Maconomy should copy from the standard vendor to new vendors. When you flag this linking rule as Standard Linking Rule, Maconomy automatically applies the linking rule when you create vendors if you do not specify another linking rule when you create the current vendor. For more information about linking rules, see the description of the Linking Rules workspace in the Set-Up module.

You maintain financial data on vendors in the Payment Control workspace.

For auditing purposes you should print and file the Vendor Information Card every time that you make changes in this workspace or in the Payment Control workspace. To print this workspace, use the Print This function in the File menu.

Note: All registrations are made on the company vendor. Your linking rule and company vendor setup define where you can use the vendor.