Subscription Information Card Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Subscription Information Card tab.

Subscription Island

Field Description
Subscription No. In this field, you enter the number of the current subscription.
Subscription Group In this field, you select the subscription group you wish to use for the current subscription. Subscription groups are defined in the window Popup Fields in the set-up module.
Invoicing Method In this field, you select the invoicing form you wish to use for the current subscription. Invoicing forms are defined in the window Popup Fields in the set-up module.

Together with the invoicing due date, the invoicing form determines when invoicing of the subscription takes place and for how long a period invoicing spans. You can, however, change periodical invoicing in the window Subscription Orders if the invoicing form does not comply with the current customer’s needs.

Invoicing Due Date If you are dealing with a fixed date of payment, you enter the due date you wish to use in connection with the invoicing of the current subscription in this field.
Item No. In this field, you enter the number of the type of the subscription if you deal with a periodical subscription. In order to do so, you must first create the subscription as an item on the item information card in the Inventory module.

In connection with invoicing, the item number is used on the invoice. If a price list is assigned to the item number, the calculation of the price is based on this price list. The entered price is valid for one piece of the unit, which is entered in the field “Time Unit.” If the time unit is quarterly, the entered price will thus correspond to a quarterly subscription.

Item Setup Click the icon or link to access the Item Information Card workspace. In the Item Information Card workspace you can maintain information about your company’s individual warehouse items. See “Item Information Card” in the “Set-Up” section of the Inventory Module for more information.

Units Island

Field Description
Time Unit In this field, you register the time unit of the current subscription.

If the time unit is, for example, one year, the price of the subscription corresponds to the price of a one-year subscription.

You cannot specify an invoicing due date or time unit if the field “Per delivery” in the window Popup Fields has been marked for the selected invoicing form.

Unit, Sales This field shows the unit used on subscription orders lines when these are created for a subscription order which contains the relevant subscription. In connection with subscriptions, the unit can, for example, be “Piece.”
Minimum Sales Unit This field shows the minimum sales unit a subscription order can contain. If a value is entered in this field, the number of ordered units of a subscription must be divisible by the subscription’s minimum sales unit.
Pricing Unit, Sales This field shows the number of units contained in the price of a periodical subscription.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Date In these fields, you enter a range of publishing dates to limit the number of issues shown in the table part. A limitation can be useful if you plan to update subscription orders as well.

By default, today’s date and today’s date plus a month, respectively, are shown in these fields.

Include Discontinued If you mark this field, the table part will include discontinued issues. Discontinued issues are also included on subscription orders which are updated, using the action “Update Orders.”

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Subscription Text Island

Field Description
Subscription Text 1, Lang. In this field, you enter a description of the subscription in the primary language of the system. The primary language is the one appearing on the first table line for the pop-up type “Languages” in the table part of the window Popup Fields. If you specify an item in the field “Item No.,” the description is transferred from the information card of the item in question, but you can change it here.

The description is used in the field “External Desc.” on a subscription order line if the primary language is assigned to the order to which the subscription order line is assigned.

The text you enter is furthermore created as an entry in the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module. It is then possible to assign translations of the description in the languages used in Maconomy. This makes it possible, for example, to send an invoice to a German company with the subscription descriptions in German. In those cases where no translation of the description has been made in the language used in a given context - for instance on the printout of an invoice, Maconomy uses the description in this field instead. For more information about item descriptions in other languages, please see the description of the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module.

Subscription Text 2, Lang. In this field, you enter the subscription text in the secondary language of the system. The secondary language is the one appearing on the second table line for the pop-up type “Languages” in the table part of the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

The text is used in foreign language external documents, such as invoices. The text is transferred to the “External Desc.” field on subscription order lines, if the subscription order in question is assigned to the secondary language.

If you enter a text here, a line will automatically be created in the window Language Texts, where the specified text is used as a translation into the secondary language of the system. Similarly, if a language text translation line is created for the subscription into the secondary language, the translation will appear in this field. Subsequent changes in either of the windows will cause the update to be reflected in the other window.

The text can be inserted in price lists using Maconomy’s layout editing tools.

Subscription Text 3, Lang. In this field, you enter the subscription text in the tertiary language of the system. The tertiary language is the one appearing on the third table line for the pop-up type “Languages” in the table part of the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

The text is used in foreign language external documents, such as invoices. The text is transferred to the “External Desc.” field on subscription order lines, if the subscription order in question is assigned to the tertiary language.

If you enter a text here, a line will automatically be created in the window Language Texts, where the specified text is used as a translation into the tertiary language of the system. Similarly, if a language text translation line is created for the subscription into the tertiary language, the translation will appear in this field. Subsequent changes in either of the windows will cause the update to be reflected in the other window.

The text can be inserted in price lists using Maconomy’s layout editing tools.

Internal Desc. In this field, you enter an internal description of the subscription. The description is printed out on packing lists and is thus useful as an internal message for, for example, the warehouse clerks about specific requirements concerning packaging, and so on. The description is not used on any external papers printed out via the Sales Orders module.
Extra Text 1-10 In these fields, you enter extra texts if you wish to describe the current subscription further.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can select a number of pop-up values for further specification of the customer and the current subscription order. When you create a subscription order, the pop-up values are transferred from the customer’s information card, but you can change the values here. The options are created in the window Popup fields in the Set-Up module.