Subscription Updating Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Subscription Updating tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Customer No. In these fields, you enter a range of customer numbers. Only subscription orders assigned to a customer within the range of customer numbers are updated.
Customer Group In this field, you select a customer group. Only subscription orders in the specified customer group are updated.
Company In this field, you can enter a range of company numbers. Only subscription orders for which companies within the specified range are responsible are updated.
Statistics 1-4 In these fields, you can enter a code which refers to the island Print Control on the customer information card. Only subscription orders assigned to a customer within the specified range are updated.
Subscript. Order No. In these fields, you enter a range of subscription order numbers. Only subscriptions with subscription orders within the specified range of numbers are updated.
Subscription No. In these fields, you enter a range of subscription numbers. Only subscriptions within the entered range are updated.
Subscription Group In this field, you select a subscription group. Only subscriptions in the selected subscription group are updated.
Item No. In this field, you enter a range of item numbers for issues. Only subscription order lines within the specified range are updated.
Period In these fields, you enter a period of delivery for delivery lines. Only delivery lines within the specified period are updated.

Change Island

Field Description
New Quantity In this field, you enter the new quantity of subscriptions or deliveries which is to be updated at subscription order lines or delivery lines, respectively. The change is only valid within the above specified selection criteria.

The selection criteria and the fields “Update Delivery Lines” and “Update Subscription Order Lines,” respectively, define the type of lines on which the updating will have effect.

Update Delivery Lines When you mark this field, all existing delivery lines within the specified selection criteria are updated. You can inspect the changes of the delivery lines in question in the window Subscription Order Lines.
Update Subscription Order Lines When this field is marked, all subscription order lines within the selection criteria are updated. You can inspect the changes of the subscription order lines in question in the window Subscription Orders.
New Subscription No. In this field, you add a new subscription number to an existing subscription order. A new subscription order line with the new subscription number will be added to all subscription orders within the selection criteria. You can inspect the subscription order lines in question in the window Subscription Orders.