Absence Administration Procedures

The steps below provide a general workflow for the absence management process.

To manage absences, complete the following steps:
  1. Choose a vacation calendar in the filter. All employees using that vacation calendar display in the table part.
  2. Select the new period to work within the card part.
  3. Select the absence type. Each type of absence must be processed separately.
    The table part displays the total and remaining allowances for the previous period, with an initial allowance and carry forward days for the selected period.
  4. Edit the values for the selected period for each employee, as needed.
    Use the Apply Suggestions wizard to quickly set an initial allowance for the new period for all employees. However, carry forward days must always be entered manually.
  5. After you enter the values, you can then submit and approve them, using the appropriate actions. Upon approval, Maconomy makes the new allowance available to the listed employees, while days carried forward are deducted from the previous period and placed in the new one.

    Reopen Action

    After approval is carried out, the values for this period can no longer be changed. If the assigned allowance has not yet been booked yet by the employee, use the Reopen action to undo approval, if needed.

    Booking Vacation

    This process can be carried out either before or after the end of the vacation year. However, employees are not able to book any vacation in the new period until some allowance is assigned.