Serial Number Information Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Serial Number Information Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Serial No. Here you can enter the serial number. Serial numbers must be unique, so Maconomy verifies that the serial number is not entered for another item number.

You can only enter a serial number when entering an article of an item. Once the article has been created here or in the Item Purchase module, the serial number cannot be changed. Serial numbers are also created when approving a picking or packing list on which a hitherto unknown serial number is specified.

The articles are sorted by serial number. The serial number is printed on packing slips in the Sales Orders module when it is being delivered.

Alt. Serial No. Here you can enter an alternative serial number. You can use the field if the wrong serial number was entered when the article was delivered. If you try to deliver the same number again, Maconomy will alert you that the serial number has been delivered in a given order.

You should then trace the serial number that was actually delivered but not reported as such. This serial number can now be entered as alternative serial number for the article that was reported then and that you are trying to deliver now, and vice versa. The two serial numbers will now refer to each other.

The serial number of the article that was actually delivered will now be reported in the new sales order. When you later look up the two serial numbers will have a cross reference, and thus reflect the correct life cycles of the articles.

Warehouse This field shows the warehouse in which the serial number is located. If the serial number is recorded via an item purchase order in the Item Purchase module, Maconomy enters the warehouse automatically.

You can select a warehouse in this field when you create a serial number manually. If you wish to move a serial number to another warehouse, you must record the movements in the window Inventory Change.

If you deliver a serial number from the Sales Orders module, which is recorded in a warehouse different from the one on the sales order, Maconomy issues an alert.

Std. Storage Loc. In this field, you can specify where the current serial number is usually stored in the current warehouse after being received and checked.

This field is used in the process of finding a target location when picking lists are created from warehouse transactions concerning the current combination of item, serial number, and warehouse and no target location has been specified on a line. In such cases, this location is used as the target location on the resulting picking list line. If no standard storage location has been specified in this field, Maconomy attempts to find a target location through a procedure which is described in detail in the description of the action “Print Picking List.”

Std. Picking Loc. In this field, you can specify where the current serial number is usually picked in the current warehouse when it is moved to another location for instance to be packed and shipped at a shipping location.

This field is used in the process of finding a source location when picking lists are created from warehouse transactions concerning the current combination of item, serial number, and warehouse and no source location has been specified on a line. In such cases, this location is used as the picking location on the resulting picking list line. If no standard picking location has been specified in this field, Maconomy attempts to find a source location through a procedure which is described in detail in the description of the action “Print Picking List.”

Stock on Hand This field shows how much of the article with the serial number is currently in stock. The quantity cannot be changed manually. When you sell from the Sales Orders module, Maconomy automatically deducts the quantity sold. When a serial number is created in the Item Purchase module, Maconomy automatically adds the quantity.

Maconomy does not automatically verify that the actual quantity in stock of the serial number is the same as the physical stock of the serial number in the current warehouse shown in the window Item Information.

For items that do not use full serial number registration, the stock on hand cannot be negative. If a quantity greater than the stock on hand is specified in a serial number movement, the stock is written down to zero, as this is an indication that you are simply shipping serial numbers that were not registered at receipt. For items that use full serial number registration, entering a serial number movement with a quantity greater than the stock on hand will result in a negative stock on hand, as it is assumed that you are shipping items that have arrived but have not yet been registered in your system.

Sales Orders This field shows the order volume in number of units of the current serial number. The order volume corresponds to the quantity specified on serial number entry lines that have not yet been delivered. The value cannot be changed in this field.
Item Purchase Order No. This is the number of the item purchase order in the Item Purchase module that the serial number was purchased in. The information is used to trace the life cycle of the serial number.

If the serial number has been recorded manually, you can enter an optional item purchase order number. If you do not enter a number, Maconomy inserts a zero.

You cannot change the number here once the serial number has been created.

Trans. No. This is the number of the item transaction that was created when the serial number was recorded in the Item Purchase module. The number is used to trace the life cycle of the serial number. You can view and print the item transaction in the Inventory Change window.

If the serial number has been recorded manually in this window, you can enter an optional transaction number. If you do not enter a number, Maconomy inserts a zero.

You cannot change the number here once the serial number has been created.

Trans. Type This is the transaction type of the item transaction that was created when the serial number was recorded in the Item Purchase module. The transaction type will be derived from the movement voucher that has the same transaction number as the one in the field "Trans. No.”
Vendor This is the number of the vendor who delivered the serial number via an item purchase order you have made in the Item Purchase module. The number is used to trace the life cycle of the serial number.

If the serial number has been recorded manually, you can enter an optional vendor number.

You cannot change the number here once the serial number has been created.

Date Received This is the date the serial number was received. Maconomy automatically inserts the date you approve the item receipt in the Item Purchase module. The date is used to trace the life cycle of the serial number.

If the serial number has been recorded manually in this window, you can enter an optional date.

You cannot change the date here once the serial number has been created.

Order No. This is the number of the latest sales order in the Sales Orders module on which the serial number was sold. The information is used to trace the life cycle of the serial number. If the serial number consists of several units, which are delivered on several orders, Maconomy shows the order number for the last delivery.

If the serial number has been recorded manually, you can enter an optional sales order number. If you do not enter a number, Maconomy inserts a zero.

When the item is sold from the Sales Orders module, Maconomy verifies that there is a sufficient quantity in the “In Stock” field.

You cannot change the number here once the serial number has been created.

Packing Slip No. This is the number of the latest packing slip in the Sales Orders module on which the serial number was delivered. The information is used to trace the life cycle of the serial number. If the serial number consists of several units delivered in several packing slips, Maconomy shows the packing slip number for the last delivery.

If the serial number has been recorded manually, you can enter an optional packing slip number. If you do not enter a number, Maconomy inserts a zero.

You cannot change the number here once the serial number has been created.

Customer No. This is the number of the ship-to customer to whom the serial numbered item was delivered in a sales order in the Sales Orders module. The information is used to trace the life cycle of the serial number. If the serial number consists of several units which are delivered to several customers, Maconomy shows the last customer to whom delivery was made.

If the serial number has been recorded manually, you can enter an optional customer number.

You cannot change the number here once the serial number has been created.

Bill to Customer This is the number of the latest bill-to customer to whom the serial numbered item was sold on a sales order in the Sales Orders module. The information is used to trace the life cycle of the serial number. If the serial number consists of several units delivered on orders with different bill-to customers, Maconomy shows the last bill-to customer to whom delivery was made.

If the serial number has been recorded manually, you can enter an optional customer number.

You cannot change the number here once the serial number has been created.

Delivery Date This is the date on which the serial numbered item was delivered to a customer. Maconomy automatically inserts the date the packing list with the item was approved in the Sales Orders module. The information is used to trace the life cycle of the serial number. If the serial number consists of several units delivered on different dates, Maconomy shows the last delivery date.

If the serial number has been recorded manually, you can enter an optional date.

Production Date In this field, you can enter the production date of the current serial number. If the serial number has been created on the basis of an item receipt or an inventory change, the production date is transferred from the current serial number receipt line or serial number movement line, and if the same serial number has been received on several receipts, the production date for the latest receipt is displayed. However, the date is for information only and can be changed in this field.
Sell-by Date In this field, you can enter the sell-by date of the current serial number. If the serial number has been created on the basis of an item receipt or an inventory change, the sell-by date is transferred from the current serial number receipt line or serial number movement line, and if the same serial number has been received on several receipts, the sell-by date for the latest receipt is displayed. The date is for information only and can be changed in this field.
Expiry Date In this field, you can enter the expiry date of the current serial number. If the serial number has been created on the basis of an item receipt or an inventory change, the expiry date is transferred from the current serial number receipt line or serial number movement line, and if the same serial number has been received on several receipts, the expiry date for the latest receipt is displayed. The date is for information only and can be changed in this field.
Serial No. Text 1-5 In this field, you can enter various information related to the current serial number. If the serial number has been created on the basis of an item receipt or an inventory change, the information is transferred from the current serial number receipt line or serial number movement line, and if the same serial number has been received on several receipts, the information related to the latest receipt is displayed. The content of these fields is for information only and can be changed here.
Cost This field displays the serial number’s cost price in the base currency of the warehouse. If the base currency of the warehouse is different from the base currency of the company at item receipt or item movement, the cost price will be converted into the base currency of the warehouse. If the serial number has been created on the basis of an item receipt in the window Item Receipt, the cost price in this field will correspond to the purchase price on the item receipt. If the serial number has been created on the basis of an inventory change in the window Inventory Change, the cost price in this field will correspond to the cost price specified on the inventory change. Furthermore, the cost price is displayed on serial number entry lines in connection with sales of the serial number. In this way, it is possible to make statistics on losses and gains on the various serial numbers. However, the field has no importance in connection with account posting, as Maconomy uses the cost price at the relevant warehouse from the current item’s information card for calculation of cost of sales when selling the serial number. Thus, this field is used for information purposes only.
Currency This field displays the currency used as standard currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” on the warehouse information card of the current serial number’s warehouse. See the description of the cost price of FIFO items in the table part of the window Item Information Card.