Skill Requirements Sub-Tab
This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Skill Requirements sub-tab.
Field | Description |
Type | This field shows the type of the skill specified in the field “Skill No.” on the line. |
Skill No. | In this field, you can enter the number of a skill to assign the job budget line to a specific skill. You can enter a skill which is not assigned to the employee specified on the job budget, if any, but Maconomy will issue a warning unless the field “Requirement Type” below has the value “Preferred” or “Undesired.” If the value of this field is “Disallowed,” a warning is issued if the employee possesses the skill at the level specified in the field “Level” or a level above it. It is not possible to specify a grouping skill in this field. |
Skill Name | This field shows the name of the skill specified in the field “Skill No.” above. |
Level | In this field, you can enter the required level of the skill specified for the job budget line. This means that an employee assigned to the task on the job budget line should possess the skill at this level or better. Note that if you specify a level which does not comply with the one specified for the employee on the job budget line, a warning will be issued. |
Requirement Type | In this field, you can specify to what degree employees should possess the skill level to be allowed to be assigned to the task. If an employee has been specified on the job budget line in the card part, Maconomy will issue a warning each time the skill requirement is entered or changed in a way so that the specified employee does not meet the skill requirement.
The default value of the field is “Mandatory,” but you can choose among the following options:
Main Skill 1 No. | This field shows the number of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the current skill. |
Main Skill 1 Name | This field shows the name of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the current skill. |
Main Skill 2 No. | This field shows the number of the skill which is the main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 1 No.” above. |
Main Skill 2 Name | This field shows the name of the skill which is the main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 1 No.” above. |
Main Skill 3 No. | This field shows the number of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 2 No.” above. |
Main Skill 3 Name | This field shows the name of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 2 No.” above. |
Main Skill 4 No. | This field shows the number of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 3 No.” above. |
Main Skill 4 Name | This field shows the name of the skill which is the immediate main skill of the skill specified in the field “Main Skill 3 No.” above. |
Top-level Skill No. | This field shows the number of the top-level skill of the current skill. |
Top-level Skill Name | This field shows the name of the top-level skill of the current skill. |
Remarks | In this field, you can enter some remarks regarding the current skill requirement. |
Parent Topic: Skill Requirements Workspace