Open Entry Intercompany Account Statement Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Open Entry Intercompany Account Statement tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Lines When you check this box, the Intercompany Entries sub-tab will display the intercompany entries between the companies specified in this island.
Company 1 In this field, specify the number of a company. When the field “Show Lines” is marked, the Intercompany Entries sub-tab will show the intercompany entries between this company and the one specified in the field “Company 2” below.
Company 2 In this field, specify the number of a company. When the field “Show Lines” is marked, the Intercompany Entries sub-tab will show the intercompany entries between this company and the one specified in the field “Company 1” above.

Interest Calculation Island

Field Description
Interest Date In this field, you can specify a date for interest calculation. When the action “Calculate Interest” is selected, the interest calculation will only include intercompany entries with an entry or interest date earlier than or equal to the date specified in this field. For further information about the interest calculation procedure, see the action “Calculate Interest.”

Balance Island

Field Description
Net Amount, Currency This field shows the open balance between the two companies specified in the island Selection Criteria. The amount is expressed in the currency displayed in the field “Currency” below.

A positive amount means a balance in favor of the company in the field “Company 1,” whereas a negative amount means a balance in favor of the company in the field “Company 2.”

Currency This field shows the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company 1.” The amount in the field “Net Amount, Currency” is shown in this currency.

Grouping Island

Field Description
Grouping Date In this field, you can specify a date for grouping intercompany entries. When you select the “Group Entries” action, the grouping procedure will only include intercompany entries with an entry or interest date earlier than or equal to the date specified in this field. For further information about the grouping procedure, see the “Group Entries” action.