Footer Templates Workspace

Use this workspace to create and maintain footer templates.

You use footer templates to define general footers that you want to display in a certain selection of order-related documents, such as quotes, order confirmations, packing lists, packing slips, and credit memos. This enables you to enter footers for automatic printing on all quotes and order confirmations in a certain period of time or for customers within a specific segment, for example.

In the Footer Templates tab, you define selection criteria. In the Footer Template Lines sub-tab, you enter the footers that are to be transferred to the quotes, order confirmations, and so on, that match the tab's selection criteria. If you do not enter a value for specific selection criteria fields, Maconomy disregards those fields.

When you create a quote or sales order, Maconomy checks whether the quote or sales order matches the selection criteria of a footer template. If it does, Maconomy transfers the footers from the footer template in question to the quote or sales order. You can, however, review and edit the footer of the individual order in the Footers workspace. If a quote or a sales order does not match the selection criteria in any template, the footer is blank for that quote or sales order, but you can specify a footer in the Footers workspace.

You can create several lines in a footer template. For each line you can indicate on which kind of printouts Maconomy should include that footer line. For instance, if for a certain group you want to transfer a certain footer to quotes and order confirmations and another footer to invoices and packing slips, you can create a footer template that has a line for each of these document types.

If a quote or an order matches the selection criteria of several footer templates, Maconomy transfers the footer lines from all of those templates. Maconomy determines the sequence of footer lines on the quote or sales order by the number of the footer template; that is, the footer that has the lowest template number is at the top, and so on.