Show Job Invoice Workspace

Use this workspace to find and review a past invoice for a job and, if necessary, reprint it. Additionally, you can cancel pre-invoices here.

Using the List of Invoices tab, you can retrieve a job invoice and see all of the relevant information without having to print it or look for old filed copies. This workspace displays how much tax Maconomy added. Note that this workspace only displays job invoices. You can view the invoices that you create in the Customer and Orders modules in the Show Invoice workspace in the Sales Orders module.

Using the Print This action, you can reprint the invoice in this workspace. With Print… you can reprint invoices in batches, which might be useful if you need to discard old copies because of a faulty printer or if they are lost. To reprint an old invoice, you must deselect the Printed field in the Invoice island. You cannot change the contents of any other fields in this workspace.

When you reprint an invoice, the new printout is always an exact copy of the original, even if you changed information on the job after the first printout. Maconomy saves the job information from the Jobs workspace at the printout of the original invoice and uses this job information on reprints.