Time Sheet Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Time Sheet Lines sub-tab.

This sub-tab is very similar to the Time Sheets window sub-tab, except that the field “Keep Line” is left out. For more information, please see the description of the Time Sheets window.

To simplify the approval of time sheet lines, some differences exist compared to the regular Time Sheets window:

  • The order of the fields is different.
  • The fields “New Approval Status,” “Approval Status,” “Proposed Hours,” “Proposed Billing Price, Unit,” “Proposed Billing Price, Total,” “Billing Price Registered,” and “Transferred for Posting” from the window Approve Time Sheet Lines are included.
  • The lines are sorted by job.
  • Lines with zero registrations are filtered out.

For more information, see the introduction to this window.