Approval Time Sheets Workspace

Use this workspace to approve time sheets if you are a supervisor.

This workspace is a combination of the Time Sheets workspace and the Approve Time Sheet Lines workspace, designed to make it easy for supervisors to approve time. It is similar to the Time Sheets workspace except that only approval-related fields and actions are available for use, and the workspace layout is designed to be more efficient for approvers.

This workspace is similar to the Time Sheets workspace, but there are a number of important differences that make this workspace easier to use for approvals than the regular Time Sheets workspace:

  • All fields except for approval-related fields are read-only, so that supervisors cannot inadvertently change numbers on the time sheet.
  • In the Time Sheet Lines sub-tab, the fields related to approval are placed to the far left, so that supervisors do not need to scroll through sub-tab to see these fields. Supervisors can also do this in the Time Sheets workspace, but it makes it more difficult for supervisors to complete their own time sheets.
  • Fields for time sheet line approval (from the Approve Time Sheet Lines workspace) appear in the Time Sheet Lines sub-tab.
  • Time sheet lines with zero entries are omitted from the sub-tab.
  • Time sheet lines are sorted by job number.
  • Supervisors who are also project managers can use this workspace to approve time sheet lines.
  • Irrelevant actions from the Time Sheets workspace are omitted, and relevant actions from the Approve Time Sheet Lines workspace are included.
  • Supervisors can use the Approve All Possible action to approve all of the lines for which the current supervisor is responsible.

Note that Maconomy calculates the proposed billing prices from the current job price list when the employee submits a time sheet, expense sheet, or mileage sheet. If the job price list is changed after the employee submits the sheet, the original amount is invoiced unless you enter different values before invoicing.

Access Control

The following table describes the access rights for various roles.

Role Can See Can Approve Other Actions
Supervisor Only


Time sheets


Supervisor and Project manager

Lines for jobs managed





Time sheets




