Production Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Production Lines Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Item No. Here you enter the number of the finished item you wish to produce. The item must be a BOM with inventory control. When you press Return, Maconomy creates a production recipe, that is, a list of the BOM component parts.

If you change the composition of the BOM in the BOM Information Card window before starting production (that is, approving it), the production recipe will not be changed accordingly.

You can print the production recipe using the print functions in the File menu.

If you cannot remember the number of an item, you can use the search functions in the Find menu.

Quantity Here you specify how many units of the finished item you wish to produce. When you approve production, this quantity of finished items will be added to the warehouse of finished goods.
Unit This is the item unit registered in the warehouse. It cannot be changed here.
Description This is the item text from the “Description Lang. 1” field in the Item Information Card. The text cannot be changed here.
Production Date Here you enter the date of the production. Maconomy suggests the current date, but you can change it.

If you have reserved raw materials, Maconomy alerts you if the production date is earlier than the last delivery date of the raw materials.

Production Direction In this field, you can specify whether the production is positive or reverse. By reverse production is meant the disassembly of production items, for example, the disassembly of a table into a table top and four legs. Positive production direction represents normal production where raw materials are processed and become finished goods.

When you select the action “Reserve Raw Materials” on a reverse production transaction, the quantity in order is increased by the number in production in the finished goods warehouse, and the quantity of raw materials increases in the raw materials warehouse. When the action “Approve Production” is selected, the finished goods are split into a number of raw materials which are then added to the stock of the raw materials warehouse. As in the case of positive production, the approval is only made for one BOM level at a time. In reverse production, the cost of the raw materials is calculated from the cost of the finished item, using the price ratios specified on the BOM. However, the price ratios can be changed in the window Production Reports.

Reverse production can only be selected if the raw materials have inventory control.

Delivery Date This field shows the date on which the finished item was reserved for reverse production. The field is blank on positive production transactions.
Stock Location No. In this field, you can specify the location in the selected warehouse at which the finished goods items on the current line are to be registered.

If this field is left blank, the finished goods location specified in the card part of the window will apply to the line. When the BOM production is approved, the finished goods are registered at this location, updating the stock of the location in question by the quantity of finished goods. In the case of reverse production, the items being disassembled are removed from this location instead when the production is approved.

Number to End Report In this field, you can enter the number of items to be end reported. The field can only be completed on positive production transactions. Maconomy automatically suggests the number specified in the field “Quantity” but the field can be changed manually. Once the number of units specified in the field “Quantity” has been end reported, the field “Closed” in the card part of the window will automatically be completed, and the current line can no longer be changed.
Number End Reported This field shows the number of finished items which have already been end reported, that is, the raw materials have been reserved using the action “Reserve Raw Materials” and the production has been approved using the action “Approve Production.” The field can only be used for positive production transactions.
Number Used Hitherto This field shows how many of the finished items on the transaction you have so far been disassembled. The field can only be used for reverse production transactions. The value in this field does not necessarily correspond to the number of finished items which would theoretically be needed to obtain the quantity of raw materials registered in the table part, as some parts of the finished item may be not be in working order after the disassembly, resulting in fewer raw materials. The actual quantity of raw materials gained is registered in the window Production Reports.
Control % This field shows the sum of the price ratio percentages specified for the raw materials in the window Production Reports. The control percentage on reverse production transactions must be 100 before you can approve the production.