
This section shows the Actions available with this window.

Top Tab

Field Description
Invite Participants When you select this action, Maconomy marks the field “Invited” on all participants shown in the table part.
Enroll to Course When you select this action, Maconomy marks the field “Enrolled” on all participants shown in the table part.
Enroll to Waiting List When you select this action, Maconomy marks the field “On Waiting List” on all participants shown in the table part.
Cancel Enrolments When you select this action, Maconomy deselects the field “Enrolled” on all participants shown in the table part.
Transfer Skill When you select this action, Maconomy transfers the skill information specified in the table part to the window Employee Skills, thus automatically updating skill data for employees in your system. Information is only transferred for participants registered as employees in your system. This means that the action only includes lines on which the field “Employee No.” contains a value. Furthermore, the action only affects participants for whom the field “Course Completed” has been marked and for which the field “Skill Transferred” has not. For each of these lines, Maconomy runs the following procedure:

If the employee already possesses the skill specified in the card part of the window, the value in the field “Skill Level” on the current line is transferred to the line in the window Employee Skills on which the skill in question is registered. Please note that the skill level is transferred even if it is located on a lower level in the skill level list. For further information on skill level lists, see the window Level Lists in the Resource Planning module.

If the employee in question does not already possess the skill specified in the card part of the window, an employee skill line with the skill in question is created before transferring the skill level.

Attach Document to Course This action allows you to attach a document to the course in the card part.

Bottom Tab

Field Description
Attach Document to Participant This action allows you to attach a document to the course participant in the table part.