Job Information Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to maintain information about the jobs that you manage in the Job Cost module.

The Job Information tab contains general and account information, and the Order Assignments sub-tab displays a list of the job quotes and sales orders from Maconomy's Sales Orders module.

This workspace supplements the Jobs workspace, which also contains job information. While you use the Jobs workspace to create jobs, you use the Job Information workspace for more customer-related information such as payment and delivery address, invoice discounts, and payment terms.

When you create a job in the Jobs workspace, Maconomy retrieves information from other parts of the system, such as customer information from Accounts Receivable and system information from the Set-Up module. The Job Information workspace also displays status information about printouts of quotes, order confirmations, invoices, and credit memos connected to the particular jobs.

Note: On typical jobs, a number of the fields are mandatory. However, if the job is a template job, those fields are not mandatory, so that you can leave fields empty as needed. See the Jobs workspace for information about template jobs.

You do not need to use this workspace to manage jobs if you use the terms of contract, delivery and payment address, and so on, which are described in the Accounts Receivable module.