Consignment Modes Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Consignment Modes sub-tab.

Field Description
Delivery Mode In this field, you must enter a delivery mode. The combination of the values in this field and the fields “Delivery Terms,” “Carrier,” and “Consignment Type” constitute a consignment mode for which you can create consignments. When you create consignments for the current consignment mode, Maconomy suggests the values in the remaining fields of the current line on the new consignment.
Carrier In this field, you must enter a carrier. Apart from this, the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Delivery Mode” above.
Deliv. Terms In this field, you must enter a code for delivery terms. Apart from this, the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Delivery Mode” above.
Consignment Type In this field, you must enter a consignment type. Apart from this, the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Delivery Mode” above.
Charge 1-4 In these fields, you can specify a number of charge codes to be suggested on new consignments created for the current consignment mode in the window Consignments.
Weight Capac. In this field, you can specify the normal capacity of consignments using the current consignment mode in terms of weight. The weight capacity is suggested on new consignments created for the current consignment mode in the window Consignments. The weight capacity on the individual consignment is used when Maconomy evaluates which consignment to choose in the automatic assignment of a quote or a sales order to a consignment.
Volume Capac. In this field, you can specify the normal capacity of consignments using the current consignment mode in terms of volume. The volume capacity is suggested on new consignments created for the current consignment mode in the window Consignments. The volume capacity on the individual consignment is used when Maconomy evaluates which consignment to choose in the automatic assignment of a quote or a sales order to a consignment.
Increase in Weight In this field, you can enter a percentage increase in weight. The weight increase is suggested on new consignments created for the current consignment mode in the window Consignments. The weight increase is used if the current consignment mode requires that the items are packaged in special packaging, for example, wooden crates. The weight increase on the individual consignment is used when Maconomy evaluates which consignment to choose in the automatic assignment of a quote or a sales order to a consignment. Charges which are calculated on the basis of weight take the weight increase into account when you calculate the expected charge amounts using the action “Calculate Charges” in the windows Quote and Sales Orders when printing quotes and order confirmations.

The weight increase is also used on packing lists where the increase is added to the weight calculated from the regular weight of the individual items and the quantities for packing.

Increase in Volume In this field, you can enter a percentage increase in volume. The volume increase is suggested on new consignments created for the current consignment mode in the window Consignments. The volume increase is used if the current consignment mode requires that the items are packaged in special packaging, for example, wooden crates. The volume increase on the individual consignment is used when Maconomy evaluates which consignment to choose in the automatic assignment of a quote or a sales order to a consignment. Charges which are calculated on the basis of volume take the volume increase into account when you calculate the expected charge amounts using the action “Calculate Charges” in the windows Quote and Sales Orders when printing quotes and order confirmations.

The volume increase is also used on packing lists where the increase is added to the volume calculated from the regular volumes of the individual items and the quantities for packing.

Packing Days In this field, you can specify how many days it usually takes to pack items for consignments using the current consignment mode for this destination. When creating consignments using the current consignment mode, this number of days is used for calculating the date for commencing the packing of items in the consignment. The date is calculated as the consignment date less the number of packing days, but the date can be changed on the individual consignment.
Transportation Days In this field, you can specify how many days it usually takes to ship consignment using the current consignment mode for this destination. When creating consignments using the current consignment mode, this number of days is used for calculating the expected date of arrival of the consignment. The date is calculated as the consignment date plus the number of transportation days, but the date can be changed on the individual consignment.
Background Inv. In this field, you can specify that orders assigned to consignments using the current consignment mode should be batch invoiced. The field is transferred to all consignment using the current consignment mode and cannot be changed on the individual consignment. When an order where the corresponding field is selected is assigned to a consignment where this field is not selected, the selection will be removed from the order. If the field is selected on the consignment, the value in the field “Batch Invoice” on the individual sales order will remain unchanged, whether it is selected or not. You can, for example, use this functionality if you usually batch invoice your sales orders, but you want to manually evaluate the charges on orders assigned to a certain consignment mode for a given destination before invoicing.
Start Date In this field, you can specify if Maconomy is to automatically create consignments with the current consignment mode on the dates when they are required. If you do not enter a date in this field, Maconomy will not automatically create consignments to the current destination with the current consignment mode.

If you specify a date in this field, the current consignment mode is considered available for automatic creation of consignments. Automatic creation can, for example, be used for consignment modes which can be used at intervals of a given number of days, for instance a flight taking place once per week. Automatic creation is used when Maconomy assigns quotes and orders to consignments with the current consignment mode, as Maconomy will attempt to automatically create a consignment with the earliest possible packing date. For further information about how Maconomy assigns quotes and orders to consignments, please see Appendix B: Assign Order to Consignment.

This field also determines the days on which automatic creation of consignments with this consignment mode can take place. The date in this field represents the earliest consignment date with which a consignment can be created automatically. After this date, Maconomy can only create consignments at the interval specified in the pop-up field “Time Unit” on the current line. If, for instance, the date in this field is 01/06/99 and the time unit on the line is “Weekly,” Maconomy will only be able to create consignments with the current consignment mode with the dates 01/06/99, 08/06/99, 15/06/99, and so on, as the consignment date. Any week calendar specified on the line also influences the dates allowed, as Maconomy skips the dates where the number of hours in the calendar is zero. The next day available for automatic creation is thus one interval later.

The calculation of each date for automatic creation is made from the start date and the time unit. This calculation method causes the calculation to take more and more time as you move away from the start date. You should therefore regularly change the date to a more recent date that is in line with the original start date and the time unit.

Please note that the start date, the time unit, and the week calendar do not determine whether a consignment can be created manually on any given date, as you can manually create a consignment with any consignment date.

Time Unit In this field, you can specify a time unit created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. The time unit determines how often Maconomy should be able to automatically create consignments with the current consignment mode, and the field can only be completed if you have specified a start date on the current line. The functionality of the field is described in the field “Start Date” above.
Week Calendar No. In this field, you can specify the number of a week calendar created in the window Week Calendars in the Set-Up module. The week calendar determines the dates which cannot be used as the consignment date on automatically created consignments, as Maconomy will not create consignments on holidays (or weekends), that is, days in the calendar where the number of hours is zero. The next day available for automatic creation after a holiday is thus one interval later. If you have specified a starting date on the line, but you do not specify a week calendar, Maconomy can create consignments on all dates in line with the start date and time unit as described in the field “Start Date.”
Remarks 1-10 In these fields, you enter a number of remarks about the current consignment mode. When a consignment is created with the current consignment mode, the remarks are transferred to the new consignment.