Employee Revisions Sub-Tab

Use this section to enter information related to the employee revisions.

Field Description
From Date Enter or select the starting date of the employee revisions.
To Date Enter or select the ending date of the employee revisions.
Is Current This field is automatically selected if the line contains the current revision.
Change Description Enter a short description of the employee revision.
Name 1 Enter the employee's name.
Title Enter the employee's personal title, for example, Mr., Ms., or Dr.
Names 2-5 Enter the names of the employees.
Phone Enter the contact number of the current employee.
Soc. Security No. Enter the employee's social security number. This field is for reference only. If you entered social security number validation rules for the employee's country in the Rules of Validation workspace in Set-Up module, Maconomy verifies that the social security number complies with the validation rules.
Country Enter the employee's country of residence.
Blocked Select the check box to block the employee. A blocked employee cannot be used in any other workspaces.
Time Unit Specify the unit of time for the employee, as either Hour or Day. This field affects the interpretation of every field that represents time on the employee and is the Time Unit on new time sheets created by (or for) the employee in the period covered by the current employee revision.
Cost Enter the employee's cost per hour or day (depending on the Time Unit). If the field is blank, Maconomy uses the cost of the item in the Item No. field. If both fields are blank, the cost for time activities for this employee is considered zero.
Base Salary Rate This field shows the base salary rate for the employee. If you change this field, Maconomy updates the Cost with the sum of this field and the overhead rate. The base salary rate is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.
Overhead Rate This field shows the overhead cost rate allocated to the employee. If you change this field, Maconomy updates the Cost with the sum of this field and the base salary rate. The overhead rate is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.
Overhead Rate % This field shows all the costs associated with the employee that is not strictly his salary.
Overhead Rate as % Select the check box to show the percentage of all the costs associated with the employee that is not strictly his salary.
Overhead Maintenance This field indicates whether the overhead maintenance cost is being updated by a batch update or employee specific.

Note that it is not possible to delete a revision if you selected batch update.

Intercompany Price Enter a price to use as the cost when the employee registers hours on a job assigned to another company than the one in which the employee is employed. However, the calculation of cost prices may also depend on other factors. The intercompany price is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.
Billing Price Enter the billing price per hour for entries registered by the current employee. The billing price is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.
Sales Employee Select the check box to mark the employee as a sales employee.
Item No. Enter a warehouse item, from which the sales price and cost is suggested in budgeting, and which is used in job journal entries for this employee. Maconomy verifies that the item you enter exists in the system and is not discontinued.
Account Manager Select the check box to mark the employee as an account manager.
Zip Code Enter the zip code of the employee.
Postal District Enter the name of the postal district in which the current employee resides.
Profession Enter the employee's profession. This is for reference only.
Education Enter the employee's education. This is for reference only.
Position Enter the employee's position. This is for reference only.
Alternative Job Title Enter a job title with a different classification level than Position field.
EEO Classification Use this field for equal employment opportunity tracking.
Bank Name Enter the name of the employee's bank. This field is for reference only.
Reg. No. Enter the registration number of the employee's bank. This field is for reference only.
Bank Acc. No. Enter the employee's bank account number. This field is for reference only.
Date Employed Enter the date when the employee started working. This is for reference only.
Termination Date Enter the date the employment was terminated.
Time Sheet Start Date Enter the date the employee starts using timesheets. Maconomy automatically keeps the field synchronized with the Date Employed field unless you manually enter a different value.
Time Sheet End Date Enter the date the employee stops using timesheets. Maconomy automatically keeps the field synchronized with the Termination Date field unless you manually enter a different value.
Check-in Select one of the following options to enable or disable multiple check-in entries for the employee:
  • Disabled — Select this option to disable multiple check-ins for the employee.
  • Optional — Select this option to enable multiple check-in entries per day. However, the employee is not required to submit check-in entries on any work day. When the employee submits the time sheet, Maconomy does not validate the check-in balance.
  • Required — If the work day has fixed hours, selecting this option requires the employee to register at least one check-in entry for the day.
  • Required To Match Or Exceed Time Sheet — Select this option to require the employee to enter checked-in time that is equal or greater than the registered work hours in the timesheet prior to submission.
  • Required To Match Time Sheet — Select this option to require the employee to enter checked-in time that is equal to the registered work hours in the timesheet prior to submission.
Base Salary, Code Enter a base salary code that denotes a salary group, and so on. The field is for reference only.
Base Salary Enter the base salary rate for the employee. If you change this field, Maconomy updates the Cost with the sum of this field and the overhead rate. The amount must be entered in the base currency of the company. The base salary rate is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.
Salary Supplement, Code Enter a salary supplement code that denotes a salary group, and so on. The field is for reference only.
Salary Supplement Enter the employee's salary supplement, if applicable. The amount must be entered in the base currency of the company.
Overtime Rate, Code Enter the overtime rate code that denotes a salary group, and so on. The field is for reference only.
Overtime Rate Enter the employee's hourly rate for overtime work. The amount must be entered in the base currency of the company.
Withholding Rate Enter the employee's withholding rate. This field is for reference only.
Allowance per Month Enter the employee's monthly tax allowance, if applicable. This field is for reference only.
Allowance per Fortnight Enter the employee's fortnightly tax allowance, if applicable. This field is for reference only.
Allowance per Week Enter the employee's weekly tax allowance, if applicable. This field is for reference only.
Allowance per Day Enter the employee's daily tax allowance, if applicable. This field is for reference only.
Tax Allowance Card Select the check box if the employee has a valid tax allowance card. This field is for reference only.
Tax Allowance Enter the employee's total tax allowance. This field is for reference only.
Pension Plan, Company Select the check box if the employee joined a company pension plan. The field is for reference only.
Pension Type, Company Enter the employee's company pension plan. The fields are for reference only.
Pension Amount, Company Enter the amount to be paid to the employee's company pension.
Pension Plan, Personal Select the check box if the employee has a private pension plan. The field is for reference only.
Pension Type, Personal Enter the employee's private pension plan. The field is for reference only.
Pension Amount, Personal Enter the amount to be paid to the employee's private pension.
Remarks 1-5 Enter information related to the current employee.
Supervisor, No. Enter the number of a senior employee. Unless you give the user the access to all time sheets in the Actions workspace, the user will only have access to changing, creating, approving, and printing his or her own time sheets and those of junior employees.
Maximum Working Time Enter the maximum number of time per day that can be entered for the employee in the Time Sheets workspace in the Job Cost module. This field is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.
Absence Hours per Day Enter the maximum number of absence hours per day. By default, the value in this field is zero.
Use Fixed Working Time as Maximum Select the check box to automatically set the fixed working time as maximum and override the maximum working time.
Employee Type Select the employee type that you created in the Popup Fields workspace.
Willing to Relocate Select the check box to indicate that the employee is willing to relocate.
Employment No. Enter the employment number of the employee associated with the entry. If the employee has several functions in the company, you can use this number to indicate one of the functions.
Subcontractor Vendor, No. Select a subcontractor vendor number (if any) for the employee. Job entries posted for the employee have the reconciliation subcontractor number assigned accordingly.
Department Enter the department to which the employee belongs.
Secretary, No. Enter the number of a secretary assigned to the employee. Among the tasks of a secretary can be entering the employee's time sheets and transferring them for further editing in the Job Journal single dialog workspace.
Fixed Working Time, Monday-Sunday Enter the employee's working hours for each day. If you change an existing working time, a warning message displays stating that absence registrations using allowance already exist for the period (employee revision), and changing the value may require allowance adjustment.
Minimum Working Time Enter the minimum amount of working time to be calculated for the employee.
Deviation Allowed Specify the amount to use for calculating the minimum amount of time, which the employee must specify for each day in a time sheet. The minimum number of hours is calculated as the fixed working time less the number in this field.
Week Calendar No. Enter or select a week calendar to assign to the current employee.
Job Price Group No. Enter or select the number of the job price group assigned to the current employee.
Popup 1-5 Select various information about the employee. For each field, you can choose from the options created as values Employee Popup 1 - Employee Popup 5 in the Popup Fields single dialog workspace.
Statistics 1-4 Enter a number of statistics codes for further specification of the employee. For example, you can use the statistics codes as selection criteria in a number of printouts.
Vendor No. Specify the number of a vendor, thus associating the employee with a vendor in the A/P module. This way, outlay reimbursements to a given employee can be handled through the A/P module.
Primary Employee Category No. This field shows the number of the primary employee category of the employee.
Reduction % Enter a reduction percentage of the employee's available time, "planning time," as part of the fixed amount of working time.
Document Archive No. Assign a document archive number to the employee in question.
E-mail Specify the e-mail address of the employee. The field is for reference only.
Personal Email Address Enter the contact person's personal e-mail address.
E-mail when responsible for approval Select the check box if the employee prefers to be notified if he is responsible for approval, for example, a purchase order or an expense sheet. The field is for information only, as Maconomy does not automatically notify the employee.
E-mail when responsible for invoice allocation Select the check box if the employee prefers to be notified if he is responsible for allocating an invoice. The field is for information only, as Maconomy does not automatically notify the employee.
Standard Billing Price Enter the standard billing price per hour for entries registered by the current employee. The standard billing price is used if the Use standard billing price for time activities system parameter is enabled, otherwise the standard billing price is set to equal the registered billing price.
Initials Specify the initials by which the employee is known in the company. Maconomy checks that other employees do not use the initials in the system.
Maiden Name Enter the employee's maiden name.
Name in Local Alphabet Enter the employee's name in their local alphabet.
Gender In this field, you can specify the gender of the employee. You can select any of the following values:
  • Male
  • Female
  • Diverse
  • Prefer not to classify
Date of Birth Enter the employee's date of birth.
Mobile Specify the primary mobile phone number of the current employee. The field is for reference only.
Mobile 2 Specify the secondary mobile phone number of the current employee. The field is for reference only.
Phone 2 Specify the secondary phone number of the current employee. The field is for reference only.
Notice Date Enter the date when the employee is given notice if he was terminated or the date when he gave notice if he resigned.
Retirement Date Specify the date when the employee has retired or is expected to retire.
Date 1-5 Specify a number of dates related to the current employee.
Amount 1-5 Specify a number of amounts related to the current employee.
Option List 1-10 Select a number of option lists containing values that you wish to use for further specification of the employee.
Selected Value 1-10 Specify values available in the respective option lists you specified. If you have not entered an option list in one of the Option List fields, you can enter any value in the corresponding value field.
Text 1-5 Enter additional text to apply to the employee in question.
Real 1-5 Specify a number of figures relating to the current employee.
Boolean 1-5 Assign attributes to the current employee.
Absence Approver, No. Specify the number of the employee responsible for approving absence for the current employee.
Fixed Number of Absence Hours, Monday-Sunday Enter how many hours the current employee is expected to be absent for each day in the week.
Working Hours Range This field shows the range of the actual working hours.
Permitted Deviation, Work Hours Specify the maximum permitted difference between the actual working hours and the number of registered hours. The difference is shown in the Balance field in the time sheet. This field cannot be completed for employees with Day as Time Unit.
Checked in, Expected Time, Monday-Sunday Enter the time when the current employee is expected to check in for work.
Checked Out, Expected Time, Monday-Sunday Enter the time when the current employee is expected to check out from work.
Mentor No. Enter the number of a mentor assigned to the employee, for instance to help train the employee. The mentor assigned in this field is automatically granted read-only access to the time and expense sheets of the employee in question.
Substitute 1-5 These fields show the substitute approvers who support the handling of substitute approvals.
Must Use Time Sheets Select the check box to require the current employee to create time sheets.
Posting Reference, Commission Enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the G/L account to use when posting general journals from commission calculations in the Commission Calculation single dialog workspace.
Posting Reference, Commission Offset Enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the G/L account to use when posting general journals from commission calculations in the Commission Calculation single dialog workspace.
Transfer Location Select the check box to derive the location of the dimension Account from the current employee.
Transfer Entity Select the check box to derive the entity of the dimension Account from the current employee.
Transfer Project Select the check box to derive the project of the dimension Account from the current employee.
Transfer Purpose Select the check box to derive the purpose of the dimension Account from the current employee.
Transfer Spec. 2-3 Select the check box to derive the entries of these fields for the dimension Account from the current employee.
Transfer Local Spec. 1-3 Select the check box to derive the entries of these fields for the dimension Account from the current employee.
Description Enter information that describes the current employee.
Selected Value Enter or choose a value from the selected option list.
Dimension Comb. No. Enter the number of a dimension combination of the Dimension Derivation type created in the Dimension Combinations single dialog workspace.
Dim. Comb., Description Enter the description of the dimension combination.
Account No. Enter the employee's bank account number. This field is for reference only.
Account Name Enter the employee's bank account name. This field is for reference only.
Overwrite Account Select the check box to overwrite the existing account.
Local Account No. Enter the employee's local account number.
Local Account, Description Enter a description of the employee's local account number.
Overwrite Local Account Select the checkbox to require local account set on the employee to overwrite local accounts set on higher-level relations.
Entity Enter a value for the dimension Entity if you want a value to be derived from the current employee.
Entity, Description Enter a description of the Entity assigned to the employee.
Overwrite Entity Select this check box to control whether the Entity can be overwritten by the derived Entity specified on this account.
Project Enter a value for the dimension Project if you want a value to be derived from the current employee.
Project, Description Enter a description of the Project assigned to the employee.
Overwrite Project Select this check box to control whether the Project can be overwritten by the derived Project specified on this account.
Purpose Enter a value for the dimension Purpose if you want a value to be derived from the current employee.
Purpose, Description Enter a description of the Purpose assigned to the employee.
Overwrite Purpose Select this check box to control whether the Purpose can be overwritten by the derived Purpose specified on this account.
Spec. 2-3 Enter a value for the dimension Specification if you want a value to be derived from the current employee.
Spec. 2-3, Description Enter a description of the Specification assigned to the employee.
Overwrite Spec. 2-3 Select this check box to control whether the Specification can be overwritten by the derived Specification indicated on this account.
Local Spec. 1-3 Enter a value for the dimension Local Specification if you want a value to be derived from the current employee.
Local Spec. 1-3, Description Enter a description of the Local Specification assigned to the employee.
Overwrite Local Spec. 1-3 Select this check box to control whether the Local Specification can be overwritten by the derived Local Specification indicated on this account.