Job Progress History Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Progress History tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the name and number of the job displayed.
Customer This field shows the name and number of the customer for whom the job was created.
Job Group This is the job group to which the job is assigned. You cannot change it here. The job group can only be changed in the Jobs window, and only as long as the job has “Quote” status.
Status This is the job’s current status. A job is either “Quote” or “Order.” You cannot change its status here.

When a job is created, it is automatically in “Quote,” unless you have marked the field “Created as Order” in the System Information window. In the Jobs window, you can convert jobs in quote to “Order” and vice versa.

As long as a job is on quote, you can only assign it to quotes (not sales orders) in the Sales Orders module. If there are quotes or sales orders for the job, these will be shown in the table part of the window.

Responsible Island

Field Description
Project Manager This field shows the name and employee number of the project manager assigned to the job.
Sales Person This field shows the name and employee number of the sales person who is responsible for the customer.

Totals, Original Island

Field Description
Hours This row shows the original values of the job progress evaluation in hours.

For detailed descriptions of the columns in this row, see the description of the Job Progress window.

Cost, Time This row shows the original values of the job progress evaluation in terms of the cost of time related activities.

For detailed descriptions of the columns in this row, see the description of the Job Progress window.

Cost, Amount This row shows the original values of the job progress evaluation in terms of the cost of amount related activities.

For detailed descriptions of the columns in this row, see the description of the Job Progress window.

Cost, Total This row shows the original values of the job progress evaluation in terms of the total cost.

For detailed descriptions of the columns in this row, see the description of the Job Progress window.

Totals, Updated Island

Hours This row shows the updated values of the job progress evaluation in hours.

For detailed descriptions of the columns in this row, see the description of the Job Progress window.

Field Description
Cost, Time This row shows the updated values of the job progress evaluation in terms of the cost of time related activities.

For detailed descriptions of the columns in this row, see the description of the Job Progress window.

Cost, Amount This row shows the updated values of the job progress evaluation in terms of the cost of amount related activities.

For detailed descriptions of the columns in this row, see the description of the Job Progress window.

Cost, Total This row shows the updated values of the job progress evaluation in terms of the total cost.

For detailed descriptions of the columns in this row, see the description of the Job Progress window.

Budget Information Island

Field Description
Planning Budget This field shows the name of the budget type used as planning budget, as assigned in the Job Budgets window.
Baseline Budget, Budget Type copy to come
Baseline Budget, Rev. No. copy to come

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Currency Island

Field Description
Currency This field shows the actual currency used in the job.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency.

Progress Evaluation Island

Field Description
Estimate Date This field shows the estimate date.
Revision Number This field shows the number of the latest revision of the job budget currently displayed.
Remarks This field shows remarks about the completion estimate for the current task.

Planning Budget Status Island

Field Description
Submitted This field displays whether the planning budget has been submitted. The field is automatically marked when the action “Submit Budget” is selected.
Approved This field displays whether the planning budget has been approved. The field is automatically marked when the action “Approve Budget” is selected, and the mark is removed if the budget is reopened.
Reopened This field displays whether the planning budget has been reopened. The field is automatically marked when the action “Reopen Budget” is selected.