Bank Reconciliations Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Bank Reconciliations tab.

Bank Account Island

Field Description
Payment Agent This field displays the name of the payment agent.
Reg. No. This field displays the registration number of the bank account assigned to the G/L account.
Account No. This field displays the account number of the bank account assigned to the G/L account.

New Account Statement Island

Field Description
Statement Date Here you must enter the statement date of the new statement.
Statement No. Here you must enter the statement number of the new statement.
Closing Balance Here you can enter the closing balance stated on the new statement.

Account Island

Field Description
Account No. This field shows the account number assigned to the external bank account.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This field shows the location assigned to the external bank account.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1 – 3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1 - 3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.

Petty Cash Account Island

Field Description
Petty Cash Account In this field, you can specify a petty cash account. If you specify a petty cash account, the external bank account indicated in the card part will be assigned to the petty cash account as the current petty cash account’s reconciliation account.

If a petty cash account is specified, the company in the island Dimensions must correspond to the company specified for the current petty cash account.

G/L Account Island

Field Description
Calculation Date All calculations are made on this date. The calculation date will be set to the statement date in the New Account Statement island. If this field is empty, the calculation date will be set to today’s date.
Posted Account Balance This field shows the posted balance on the calculation date.
Unposted bank reconciliations, Current statement This field shows the sum of unposted entries with an entry date before the calculation date. This could either be manual entries created in this window, or it could be vendor payments that have been approved but not paid.
Unposted bank reconciliations, Previous statements This field shows the sum of unposted entries with an entry date before the calculation date that have been reconciled on a previous bank statement.
Corrected Posted Balance This field shows the account balance when all unposted entries have been posted. This is the sum of the three previous fields.
Non settled entries before calculation date This field shows the sum of entries with an entry date before the calculation date, that is, entries that could have been on the current statement.
Settled entries after calculation date, Current statement This field shows the sum of entries selected for reconciliation with an entry date after the calculation date. That is: entries that should not have been on this statement if you look at the G/L entry date.
Settled entries after calculation date, Previous statements This field shows the sum of entries selected for reconciliation with an entry date after the calculation date. Entries that should not have been reconciled on a previous statement if you look at the G/L entry date.
Calculated Closing Balance This field shows the ((corrected posted balance) - (due entries not selected) + (non-due entries selected). This should be the same as the closing balance for the bank statement.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Later Entries If you mark this field, the table part in the window will also show entries with an entry date that is later than the statement date of the new statement. This option can be useful when you wish to reconcile such entries with the account statement. If you browse to an account with entries for reconciliation after the statement date, Maconomy will mark the field automatically.
Sort by In this field, you can choose the way in which the lines in the table part are to be sorted. You can choose between “By Date” and “By Amount.”

Previous Account Statement Island

Field Description
Statement Date This field shows the date of the previous account statement.
Statement No. This field shows the statement number of the last statement.
Closing Balance This field shows the closing balance of the last statement.

Reconciliation Island

Field Description
Opening Balance This field shows the opening balance for the current statement (and this will be the same as the closing balance for the previous statement.)
Selected for reconciliation This field shows the sum of all entries that are currently selected for reconciliation.
Closing Balance, Calculated This field shows the calculated closing balance. This number is calculated as the sum of the opening balance and the movement (the entries currently selected for reconciliation.)
Closing Balance, Registered This field shows the closing balance entered by the user in the New Account Statement island.
Difference This field shows the difference between the registered and the calculated closing balance.
Entries selected for reconciliation This island shows the number of entries that are currently selected for reconciliation.

Transaction Numbering Island

Field Description
Transaction Type In this field, you can enter a transaction type. By default, the field shows the default transaction type for the bank reconciliation journal.
Number Series In this field, you can select a transaction number series. By default, the field shows the transaction number series for the transaction type.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field displays the number of the company to which the current bank reconciliation is assigned.
Name This field displays the name of the company.