Job Budget Merging Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budget Merging tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job No. This is the number of the job to which the budgets to be merged apply. The value cannot be changed, but you can go to another job by using the search functions in the Find menu.
Job Name This is the job’s name.
Job Group This is the job group to which the job is assigned.
Status This is the job status.
Project Manager This field displays the name and employee number of the project manager of the job.
Responsible This field displays the name of the employee who is responsible for the job.
Opportunity This field is marked if the job is actually not a job, but an opportunity. There are some differences in budgeting between jobs and opportunities (for example: opportunity budgets are not versioned, while job budgets are) but these differences are handled by Maconomy: this window is used in the same way no matter whether it is a job or an opportunity. This field if for information only.
Customer Remarks copy to come

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Only Conflicts If this check box is marked, only lines with conflicts will be shown in the table part.

Budgets Island

Field Description
Budget to Update This field is used to select the job budget type of the budget that should be updated when the job budget merge is approved. This would, for example, be the job budget type of the job budget that was originally created in Maconomy and then transferred to People Planner for further processing.

A job budget type must be selected.

Budget to Merge with This field is used to select the job budget type of the budget that should be used to merge into the budget to update. This is typically the job budget that was exported from Maconomy, and then was processed and changed in, for example, People Planner, and has now been imported back into Maconomy. This budget could be said to originate from the “Budget to Update.”

A job budget type must be selected.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This field displays the customer number and name of the customer for whom the job is performed.

Conflicts Island

Field Description
No. of Conflicts This field shows the total number of conflicts between the “Budget to Update” and the “Budget to Merge with.”
No. of Unresolved Conflicts This field shows the number of unresolved conflicts between the “Budget to Update” and the “Budget to Merge with.”