Job Employees Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Employees tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the number of the job to which the favorites in the table part of the window apply. This field also shows the name of the job.
Job Group This field shows the name of the job group of the current job.
Project Manager No. This field shows the employee number of the project manager of the current job. The project manager is specified in the window Jobs.
Name This field shows the name of the project manager of the job.
Blocked for Time Reg. If you mark this field, nobody can register time or expenses on the current job. Any favorites already distributed for the job will be unavailable in the employees’ time registration windows. If you remove the mark from the field, the favorites will be available again. This field can also be marked in the window Jobs.
Blocked for Amount Reg. This field shows whether the job is blocked for amount registration. If this field is marked, it is not possible to register amount information on the job in, for example, the windows Time Sheets, Expense Sheets, Job Reallocation, and Job Journal. However, you can still create job budget lines and invoices for the job.

Distribution of Favorites Island

Field Description
Distribute favorites to employees If this field is marked, when you select the action “Distribute to Employees,” Maconomy will distribute the registration combinations in the table part as favorites to the employees selected in the table part. For more information, see the description of the action “Distribute to Employees.”
Only specified employees can register on the job If this field is marked when you select the action “Distribute to Employees,” only the employees selected in the table part can register time and expenses on the job. This way, employee control is automatically enabled. For more information, see the description of the action “Distribute to Employees.”
Delete employees’ own favorites on the job If this field is marked, when you select the action “Distribute to Employees,” Maconomy will delete all favorites on which the current job is specified. Note that this applies to all employees. For more information, see the description of the action “Distribute to Employees.”

Employees Island

Field Description
Project Manager This field shows the employee number and name of the project manager of the current job. The project manager is specified in the window Jobs.
Sales Person This field shows the employee number and name of the sales person of the current job.
Account Manager This field shows the employee number and name of the account manager of the current job.
Employee No. 1-10 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Project Manager.”